@BCS When I want to watch a movie, I download the complete Bluray and remux it myself. When I listen to music, it's in a number of lossless formats from TAK to FLAC. And since I love to zoom in infinitly far on manga I set the resolution so high. So yeah, I'm "muh losslessing" you.
I don't wanna have an argument about lossless formats, since what it comes down to is personal preference. You don't need to tell me it's unpractical and that, at least when it comes to the music, it's largely placebo. I just want to have the peace of mind that no nuance could possibly be lost due to encoding and that's why I personally prefer lossless and high-res stuff. And what I prefer is kinda what is key here, no? Because as far as I am concerned I started this series out of a personal preference for starting it and I could also have the personal preference to drop this series, right?
That said and with with all that cockyness out of the way (I'm sorry, I just love being cocky to people sometimes plus you started^^) you absolutely have a point. Nothing stopss me from keeping the high-res images on my harddrive to myself and uploading lossy jpegs in lower res for web-optimization. Though I don't know about halfing the resolution, there's definitely something that can be done for you and others starting with the next chapter.