Calling him a sex fiend for asking to have sex once a month and then complaining about him not earning enough money.
So she doesnt wanna have sex with him but want him to bring lots of money.
Dunno fam, it actually sounds like a pretty realistic asian couple LOL
Wait, hold on. This man is a salaried doctor and she's complaining he doesn't make enough? Is this a Korean thing? Cuz doctors are like the pinnacle of money makers in America, at least until you learn about shitty businessmen.
Yikes... pretty sure that was rape. She said okay at first, but then was obviously uncomfortable when he got really rough and he admitted that she kept resisting. Idk if I can read this; I’ve been in a similar situation and it reminded me of that :/
@Maala guy it's really not cool to just brush off that comment like that, if it really did happen to them like that then that some real serious shit that you shouldn't have excused like that, and dont just boil it down to "she liked it but she was new to it" that's a real shitty thing to do that is also invalidating the pain on thousands of peole that have gone through such a traumatizing thing. And even if the wife in the kanawha qcraully did like it you shouldn't just generalize all the people subjugated to that.