That was a pretty good and interesting book.Fun coincidence that this showed up on my radar after reading The Kaiju Preservation Society.
Every Kaijuu is getting a manga.Gaea Tima, I choose you!
It makes sense. It's just like Godzilla destroying tokyo yet somehow being lauded as a hero in most subsequent films. Something like that is going to be hard to accept, but she needs to because the situation calls for them to rely on itI'm really liking this. She's not gung-ho about it all, but she's also not whining about literally saving lives.
I cannot see any mentions of Pokemon. Are you sure you are mentally okay and safe to be in public physically or even interact with people online? Because if you think you are seeing Pokemon in a series where there is not a mention of Pokemon anywhere, you are not sane. Generally speaking.Lol this has turned into pokemon battles 😆