Idk about the rest, but I immediately felt a ton of franticaness, chaos and desperation in this chapter. With the teacher having fully bought into Junpei's fool's errand, it's like all restraints had lifted.
I can't really tell if he really does see the glow in Junpei there or if he lost touch with reality too and is now full Stockholm syndrome just believing that it would work out. I would not be surprised one bit if he will get fired after this fiasco tho, esp not listening to his own boss and still carrying Junpei to the stage.
The author can still go either direction: this will be an absolute disaster with him collapsing or it will be a truly 'glowing' performance, however he might still mess it up technically due to fatigue and so it will be an 'interesting' but weak performance. Or maybe his muscle memory after the first 70 reps is so ingrained he really will pull it off. But I think it'd be too unrealistic and the author still has plenty of drama in the tank here - no need to have Junpei win and the lesson here would be pretty bad too - not listening to anyone, severely risking your body. I could see him getting kicked out of the troupe even if he won at this rate, not to even talk about scholarships. Ruo is like poison to both Junpei and Miyako to be honest.