This is weird. I know she doesn't "understand love" but even her perspective of what others say is flawed.
She says:
"Shouldn't the first step to ask what kind of person Yuu is? The value of Yuu is not determined by whether they(probable HE mistranslated) are in a relationship with me"
Why would they ask that? It has nothing to with Yuu, it's you they are interested in.
Unless it's some weird mistranslation that causes confusion.
Moreover she says: "Have no right to deny my value or impose their own values on me"
She is right, but she is imposing also imposing her own values into others by wanting Yuu to be with a girl that "understands" their relationship.
That's just impossible, the moment you get a girlfriend/boyfriend you are bound to spend more time with them than others.
What does she want to be? Like, he marries someone and she's the live-in friend in their house? Wtf?
In the first place it's obvious that if you want to spend so much time with someone to the point that if other girls want to date him they need to "understand your relationship with him", girl you are already "in love".
Love is not that complicated. Even tho they make it to look like it.
It's like a basic math equation:
Do you want to spend more time with this person more than any others? + Are you happy when doing so?