This guy she's got the thing for in this arc is such a massive jerk, though . . . I can feel that we're drifting towards them getting together, which like, WHY?!
And worse yet, there's a distinct possibility he will not get massively humiliated or deliver any incredibly abject apologies for being an asshole before it happens. I am going to have difficulty handling that.
Seriously, dude is 25 years old and he's mockingly saying "You like me, don't you?" No doubt he has some stupid reason for acting like that, 'cause he likes her and he doesn't have the guts to admit it and he's trying to goad her into saying it first (in which case, what a moron) or maybe he's deliberately pushing her away because he thinks he'd be bad for her (which, yeah, true enough) or whatever. Don't care; you can get a pass acting like that when you're eight and don't know any better, not when you're *&^! twenty five.