Demon King of Phantom Thief - A Betrayed Thief Reigned Over the World

Fed-Kun's army
May 12, 2019
A betrayed MC revenge story huh? It's fine I guess, the art is good too, I initially planned to keep an eye for future chapters until I read the Web Novel

The MC is spineless af, even after he's betrayed and targeted to be killed, this guy still refuses to man up and kill any of them, there's someone commented and it exactly summarizes what's happened to the story I quote
Had a great start but it has really degraded as more chapters has been translated.

The MC, despite living in a world where life is Cheaper than dirt doesn't have the guts to kill, despite the fact that humans keep trying to kill the MC, he doesn't want to kill any humans and even told his subordinate not to kill them despite the fact that the enemy has made up their mind to kill them.

because of this "Do not kill any humans crap" the decision making of the MC has really become really s*upid to the point that it makes him a questionable "leader". You would wonder what is the point of the Author making an MC like this, maybe because the author is a gullible person and think the world is just sunshine and rainbows.

How could you lead a kingdom in a medieval world by being such "It's bad to kill humans even if they are trying everyday to kill us (lol) " person?

It's like the author is making his novel the same like Overlord, but with a gutless, spineless MC. I really do hope this would change, but I don't see that coming anytime soon since the author can't read this review

Curiosity kills the cat I guess, if I didn't try to read the wn then I probably give this 9/10, but for now, 7/10 is enough
Aggregator gang
Jul 13, 2023
A betrayed MC revenge story huh? It's fine I guess, the art is good too, I initially planned to keep an eye for future chapters until I read the Web Novel

The MC is spineless af, even after he's betrayed and targeted to be killed, this guy still refuses to man up and kill any of them, there's someone commented and it exactly summarizes what's happened to the story I quote

Curiosity kills the cat I guess, if I didn't try to read the wn then I probably give this 9/10, but for now, 7/10 is enough
Any hope that author changed the plot in the manga from wn?
Aggregator gang
Apr 13, 2023
I'm pretty sure that he won't exact vengeance on the people that had betrayed him.

I really hope mangas stop having revenge and vengeance in there summaries when that is not what the MC is going to be doing for most of the story.

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