That... I did not see coming.
But... in my defense, I have no experience with this type of game, so was not aware that they had such a tight connection between the sound effects and the motions of the player avatars.
Given that. Yeah, a top tier musician is completely aware of all the sounds surrounding them that relate to the music they are playing.
And, as with the other skills, that should be transferable, if they become aware that it is a usable ability.
They also have to be able to tune out all non-relevant sounds, at least to the level that they don't have any negative impact upon their performance; anyone who has compared a studio vs live performance realizes that the audience does impact the performance via positive feedback pumping the performer's emotional involvement, such that while it may not technically be as clean as the studio performance, the live performance is much more impressive in regard to the emotional involvement on the part of the performer.