Also Avan is just built different
Not gonna lie, he's hot. I'm dreading the day he gets that second curl (ch 44... There's still time!)
And I saw your speculation last time... It was a solid guess! Fyure operates much the same as Myst.
Thank you for the good work.
Love all the reference notes and the coloring.
Thanks! I'm glad you like it! I can't translate during slow days at work (the program can't be installed), but I can color! So I've definitely done some of that for the next few chapters.
Honestly I'd love to do an entire chapter in color. It would be a Herculean task and take forever.... And I don't think I could pick any one chapter as my favorite chapter to do... But it would look splendid. The base art is so good just flat colors and minimum shading makes it so beautiful. Instead I've picked pages where new characters are introduced or really exciting things are happening.