page 6 : chic chac and falin are on the opposite sides of the table , and then he runs around so he can poke her with his fork .
Page 2 : no one laughs at the Hobbit's fake , $exism joke , but I did , lol .
Chapter 15 shows that the Dog-heads have better ears than the Hobbits . But the Hobbits are still used as sacrifices on ships , that means they are rated even lower than Dog-heads in this world , lol .
"We dwarves just use birds" I guess the dwarves are ore-diggers , so they use birds to detect poisonous gases in their mines .
So Mermaid and Merman are different species , so what will you call a male mermaid and a female merman ? Merwoman or something ?
In the last pages , the sister only says one line and then she focuses on eating , I guess because she hasnt eaten anything for months and she became very "bony" , lol .