A thief and a kidnapper, and she's stranding them all there against their will, which has to be some kind of crime.
She is just an awful person, isn't she? A straight up criminal with no regard for other people at all. I very much would not be surprised to find out she's also a serial killer, or worse. What a cunt. And Hashibi isn't much better. How slimy of a bastard are you, to be kissing up to some kidnapping assclown while not only disregarding your girlfriend's feelings, but outright shaming her for them.
Fuck those two, they deserve each other. With any luck, they'd kill each other and stop dragging others into their stupidity.
This manga is getting utterly retarded.
At this point, I hope she winds up with her brother, at least he isn't so much of a fucking pissant.