Elizabeth Rose

Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Note : This is to promote my work that already been published (at least these part). I use AI to help me paraphrasing. No, I won't change anything (because it's been published) so just enjoy. If you like it good luck find me on X or Patreon. Yes I have zero follower. No, I don't care. Please enjoy, I will post next chapter probably next year or in the end of this year.

Cover (don't know why I can't link direct pic)


Kingdom of Almadria, nestled in the northeastern reaches of the wondrous world. In this realm of enchantment, a myriad of fantastical beings, both mundane and monstrous, roam the lands alongside folk of diverse races and creeds. Truly, a land brimming with magical creatures and sorcery beyond compare.

The Kingdom of Almadria was a peaceful place but only on the surface. The peaceful facade of The Kingdom of Almadria concealed the struggles faced by its poor and weak mortal inhabitants, who were exploited by the wealthy and powerful immortals. Eventually, the mortals rebelled against their rulers and with great sacrifices, they established their own kingdom, and banished the immortals into the unknown.

Once the majestic kingdom opened its doors to humans, elves, dwarves, beast-kin, and various other mythical creatures, the society blossomed into a melting pot of cultures, customs, and traditions. However, as the races began to intermingle, the inherent social hierarchies and racial biases reared their ugly heads, driving a wedge through the fabric of the once-unified society.

Despite this, the kingdom managed to maintain some semblance of stability until the humans delved into the ancient art of magic, deluding themselves into believing they were superior to the other races. As their arrogance and entitlement grew, they began to use their newfound power to launch attacks on their fellow inhabitants, sparking a bitter conflict that would change the course of history.

The other races, tired of being subjugated and oppressed, were forced to retreat to the fringes of the kingdom, splitting the once-united land into smaller, fractured kingdoms. The humans, emboldened by their victory, established their own center of power and influence in the heart of the kingdom, lording over the other races with impunity.

For a brief moment, peace settled over the kingdom like a gentle breeze, offering a glimmer of hope for the future. However, the human lands were beset by famine, disease, and overpopulation, driving them to desperation and sparking yet another bloody conflict. This time, however, the other races were not caught off guard, and they were determined to defend themselves against their oppressors.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Chapter 1. Shadow Walker (Part 1)

The night air in the small town of Folmen was thick with tension, as a group of shadowy figures moved silently through the streets. These were the Shadow Walkers, an independent group of highly-skilled assassins known for their unparalleled stealth and precision. Their target was the heavily guarded mansion of the local lord - a man whose power and influence extended far beyond the town's borders.

As they approached the mansion, the senior member of the group turned to Rose, a young and talented member of their ranks. "Rose, you're up," he said, giving her a knowing nod.

Without hesitation, Rose sprang into action, darting towards one of the guards stationed at the entrance to the mansion. With a swift and deadly stroke from above, she put him down silently.

The rest of the Shadow Walkers emerged from the shadows, surrounding the local lord in his study room before he could even raise an alarm. His eyes widened in terror as he realized the gravity of the situation, but it was too late. With a cold and calculated precision, one of the assassins drove a blade into his heart, snuffing out his life in an instant.

The Shadow Walker group stood in awe at Rose's quick and precise movements, but their admiration quickly turned to shock as a group of humans with their fancy clothes revealed themselves. Rose's expression turned to one of disbelief as she watched the chest of gold being delivered to the group by the human.

"Well done, Shadow Walker. With the fall of the local lord we can take over Folmen a lot easier, here's your golds" said one of the men.

"What is this!? Senior Adam? Why are you accepting gold from the Crimson Legion?" Rose asked, her tone incredulous. "I thought we were helping the beast-kin take control of this town." The human that just came is no doubt a high official from the most aggressive human kingdom, the Crimson Legion.

Adam, one of the senior members of the Shadow Walkers, responded with a cold and calculated voice. "The Shadow Walkers will do whatever it takes to survive, Rose. We are adapting to the changing times, and there's nothing wrong with joining the winning side."

Rose's face twisted in anger at the thought of betraying their code. "Joining the enemy? That's not what the Shadow Walkers stand for!"

But before she could protest any further, the Crimson Legion officials labeled her as a threat and gave the order to attack. The other members of the Shadow Walker group, including Adam, bombarded her with magic and throwing knives until a large blast sent her flying out of the window and into the dark waters of the Stygian River, a large river that flows through Folmen.

As they assumed she had perished in the fall, a local fisherman found her unconscious body and pulled her into his boat. Rose slowly regained consciousness, still reeling from the shock of her betrayal and narrow escape.

Rose's head was throbbing as she slowly regained consciousness, "Ugh... my head. Where am I?" she muttered, trying to focus her vision.

"You're in my mighty boat. This one is called Elizabeth's Wrath. I heard the previous owners named it to remind him of his wife's anger, so that he can come home in time," said the old human fisherman, breaking the silence.

"Thank you, sir, for saving my life. How can I repay you?" Rose asked, feeling grateful but cautious.

"There is something you can help me with, but I don't know if you're skilled enough. Considering that you're the first member of Shadow Walker that I found floating on the Stygian River," replied the fisherman, putting away his fishing tools.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Chapter 1. Shadow Walker (Part 2)

Rose was taken aback. "How did you know?" she asked, on guard.

"In my younger days, I fought against the Temple. They controlled the rulers to wage war and exile every other race but humans. I was one of the people who were against it, but the Temple with their ancient magic is too powerful, and you can see the results. Then they waged another war. I saw their plans, which include hiring other races as their loyal servants. One of them is people with uniforms like you," explained the fisherman.

Rose listened attentively as the fisherman revealed more about the Temple's sinister motives. "So, you want me to destroy an organization that is centuries old and strong enough to influence kings?" she asked incredulously.

"I said one step at a time. Not to mention, the Temple now has so many powerful enemies. This is the moment when we will fight on equal ground," replied the fisherman, optimism in his voice.

As the fishing boat landed in Finn Village, the two disembarked and carried the fishes to the fisherman's house. Despite feeling uncertain about her new mission, Rose knew she had to try to stop the Temple and its cruel agenda.

The two arrived at the fisherman's abode, a quaint dwelling that was quite remarkable for its size and upkeep. Its cobblestone structure exuded an aura of stability and cleanliness, which was evident even from afar. "Do place the fish there, and freshen up upstairs. I'll prepare some grub for us," the old fisherman said as he led Rose into the house. "You'll find some fabrics up there that you may use to create some clothes if you wish."

Rose listened to his words and climbed up the stairs, where she discovered some fabrics with shades of light and dark colors. She deftly fashioned herself a comfortable outfit before descending the stairs to join the old fisherman for lunch. There were steaming plates of cooked fish and bread on the table, and Rose didn't hesitate to dig in. "This is absolutely delectable!" she exclaimed, complimenting the dish. "But I don't recall you mentioning being a cook."

"It's just a pastime," the fisherman replied with a smile. "Now, let's finish up and head out."

"Where to?" Rose inquired.

"To the tavern," the old fisherman answered.

"But you just ate, and I'm not even finished yet," Rose protested.

"I want to test you before I entrust you with a task. I want to see how well you can listen to people's conversations," he explained.

They made their way to the local tavern and settled themselves at the edge of the room. The sounds of merry-making and chatter echoed around them, creating a jovial atmosphere.

"You may forget to ask but my name is Rose" said the young one.

"Rose, is that the name given to you by your mentor? It seems like a pseudonym, am I correct?" inquired the elderly fisherman, his inquisitive eyes probing.

"I believe so, as there was another member who was called the same, but they have since passed away," replied Rose with a tinge of sadness.

"Keep it then, but I suggest you choose a fitting first name to go along with it," advised the old man sagely.

Just then, a waitress arrived, offering them a drink. "The usual for you, sir, and a glass of milk for this one," she said, placing the drinks on their table. The fisherman handed her some copper coins to pay.

"The bigotry against beast-kin is appalling. Giving you milk without even inquiring about your preference," grumbled the old man with a hint of annoyance.

"I don't mind," interjected Rose, picking up the jug of milk.

"Pay attention now. Eavesdrop on these people's conversations and tell me which one is of utmost importance," instructed the wise fisherman, his eyes glinting with shrewdness.

The bustling tavern was a hive of activity, with human, dwarves, and beast-kin patrons huddled in their own groups, each engrossed in their respective trades and businesses.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Chapter 1. Shadow Walker (Part 3)

Following a brief pause, the wise old fisherman turned to Rose and queried, "What did you manage to glean from their conversations?"

"I overheard that the village chief has just received a letter from a man who appears to be associated with the Crimson Legion, which is somehow quite a rare occasion" replied Rose.

"Excellent work. That letter may provide us with a valuable lead. Now, for the next task, I shall test your combat prowess," the old man declared, taking a swig from his beverage.

Suddenly, a pack of Scrofaus, brutish beast-kin with unsightly boar-like ears and tusks, began harassing a human woman just outside the tavern. Despite the crowd's indifferent reaction, the old fisherman immediately took notice.

"Why don't you attempt to subdue those Scrofaus?" The old man suggested it to Rose.

"Of course, that should be no challenge," Rose confidently replied.

"But without anyone knowing it was you," He added.

"Very well, I suppose it's time to use my last smoke grenade," Rose lamented as she retrieved the device from her pocket.

Rose deftly snuck onto the tavern's rooftop, seeking a vantage point from which to launch her attack. With a swift throw, her grenade exploded in a puff of smoke, creating a diversion that allowed her to pummel the Scrofaus into submission without arousing suspicion and the woman was confused but finally safe.

"Marvelous work. Let us now prepare for tonight's burglary. By the way, you can just call me Bam," the old fisherman announced, finally introducing himself.

The chief of Finn Village was far from an honorable man, hiding behind a façade of justice while lining his own pockets with stolen funds. He was the typical politician, seeking to project an image of goodness to his townsfolk. However, beneath his mask lay a corrupt soul who desired nothing more than the luxuries of life.

One day, the chief received a letter from a Crimson Legion informant, alerting him to the impending arrival of reinforcements from Folmen. The informant requested that the chief provide the necessary supplies for the Crimson Legion's stay. Though Finn Village was neutral, the chief was dismayed by the request. He knew that the Crimson Legion was not to be trifled with, and he feared their wrath if their demands were not met.

Finn Village itself was unlike any other village in the area. With its two-story buildings and cobblestone roads, it resembled a small town. The villagers used the Stygian River to fish and source water for their farms. While the population was not large enough to be considered a town, it was the perfect size for Rose to sneak into the chief's grand house unnoticed.

Rose and her mentor, the venerable Bam, returned to his abode. There, the seasoned veteran imparted upon his new protégé an invaluable understanding of the lay of the land surrounding the Finn Village chief's residence, along with advice on how to circumvent the vigilant sentries patrolling the premises. Furthermore, Bam divulged a crucial strategy that would prove instrumental in defeating the nefarious Crimson Legion and their ruthless assassins.

"Two armies are requisite to vanquish the Crimson Legion and their lethal acolytes from their sanctum," Bam elucidated.

"But surely the Crimson Legion's military is far too sizable to be bested by just two armies," the novice interjected.

"That's not what I meant," Bam countered, reclining in his favorite armchair. "What I mean is that you must have one army to confront them in broad daylight, and another to battle them under the cloak of night."

"I understand," Rose acknowledged.

"Rest your bones, young Rose, for tonight you shall be infiltrating the chief's residence," Bam concluded.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Chapter 1. Shadow Walker (Part 4)

As the night sky enveloped the world, Rose perched on the highest point of a nearby building, surveying the layout of the chief's mansion with the eyes of a hawk. Armed with her vast knowledge of the target's abode, the skilled ex-member of Shadow Walker found no challenge in infiltrating the premises. Despite the chief's house lacking any notable opulence, Rose's search came to a scintillating conclusion when she laid eyes on the bedroom.

Luxury goods adorned the room, and a grandiose bed occupied the center with the chief and his youthful consort resting atop it. A table near the bed caught Rose's attention, and her eyes fell on an exquisite envelope with a letter nestled within. Once Rose had confirmed the letter's contents, she deftly retrieved it and departed the way she came, unnoticed by all. With the grace and finesse of a ghost, Rose had accomplished her mission yet again.
Upon returning to the old fisherman's wharf, Rose found the living room empty, indicating that Bam had retired for the night. Without disturbing him, she slid the stolen letter under his bedroom door, and slipped away as quietly as she had come.


The following morning, as the sun began to peek through the window, Rose woke up early to freshen up. She found Bam in the living room, perched on his favorite armchair by the open window. Suddenly, a black pigeon swooped in and transformed into a scroll, which Bam hastily opened and read.

"I don't know you have a pen pal," quipped Rose as she settled down for breakfast that had been prepared for her by the old fisherman.

"It's not a letter from a pen pal," Bam replied, his brow furrowed as he struggled to read the scroll. "I hired an informant to provide me with intelligence from Folmen. And by the way, I have already perused the letter that you appropriated. Did you take anything else?"

"No, I did not," Rose answered, taking another bite of her breakfast.

"You fool!" Bam bellowed, causing Rose to jump in surprise. "Money is a weapon of great power, and it is not as if you were stealing from innocent people. We are at war!"

"Well, at least I took this fancy katana," Rose said, drawing a curved sword that she had looted from the chief's house.

"An elven-crafted curved sword, you are fortunate to have acquired it," Bam remarked, eyeing the blade. "As for your armor, follow me."

"Wait a minute, let me finish my breakfast this time," Rose requested.

"Alas, with the disappearance of the letter, the fortress will expect more than we bargained for," lamented Bam, as he revealed a secret door behind a dusty shelf.

The two of them entered into a cramped storage room, packed to the brim with various chests and crates.

"The hidden door is a clever addition, but is it enough to conceal all of these?" inquired Rose, gazing upon the hoard.

Ignoring her question, Bam pressed on, "for your upcoming mission, you'll need a decent set of armor to aid in your success. Open the chest beside you, it belonged to a scout who had a slight build."

"This armor will do nicely, I believe it will fit me perfectly. But what kind of mission is this?" Rose asked, as she inspected the dark armor and robe within the chest.

"The intel I've gathered suggests that our enemies are dispatching one of their top tacticians to the battlefield near Elyn. While he's present, you must eliminate him," Bam explained.

"Hold on just a moment, I'm grateful for your assistance, but I'm not your personal assassin," Rose protested.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Chapter 1. Shadow Walker (Part 5)

"The group that will be escorting him is the Shadow Walkers, and I've heard that one of them is a Canius with silver hair," added Bam.

"Adam," Rose muttered, her expression turning sour at the mention of her former comrade.

"I hope your personal feelings don't cloud your judgment when it comes to completing this task," warned Bam.

"I have a personal feeling to slice his head off for what he did to me," Rose replied, her voice laced with bitterness.

"Very well then, you must prepare yourself. You'll be departing before sunset," Bam concluded.

The Canius, a remarkable sub-race of beast-kin, boasts an impressive array of physical variations, ranging from their height and weight, but mostly shares the same unique abilities. Originally hailing from the northeast of the Kingdom of Almadria, they are renowned for their canine-like ears and heightened sense of smell that surpasses that of mere humans. Even after the war, many Canius still remained loyal to their human counterparts.


As the dawn broke, Rose found herself in close proximity to the East Stygian Fort, a small stronghold situated in the western region of Finn Village, adjacent to the mighty Stygian River. She was well-equipped for her mission and had the new elven katana that she had procured from the corrupt village chief. Although her new outfit, provided by the sagacious old man Bam, was somewhat heavier, it did not impede her nimble steps as she snuck her way into the fortified fortress. It took her a considerable amount of time to get close to her target, and as night fell, she successfully eliminated him. Upon confirming her kill, she gathered some of the literature that the tactician had brought with him. However, before she could make her escape, a familiar member of Shadow Walker made an unexpected entrance into the room.

As Rose finished gathering the literature from the slain tactician, a figure emerged from the shadows of the room. It was none other than Adam, a seasoned member of Shadow Walker, his katana at the ready, pointed towards Rose.

"Ah, Rose. Always causing trouble. You should have known better than to stick around after the kill and start pilfering. And why on earth are you taking books, when I know you have no interest in them?" chided Adam, recognizing his former junior.

The Felinus, a sub-race of beast-kin, were a rarity. They were distinguishable by their feline ears and tails that matched the hue of their hair and a fair white skin, in addition to having a more diminutive stature compared to other races. However, it wasn't just these traits that gave away Rose's identity to Adam, despite her attempt to conceal half her face. Her extraordinary and strikingly beautiful white hair, a rarity even amongst the Felinus, was what made her unmistakable.

"Well, reading isn't really my thing, but I have a feeling that these might come in handy," replied Rose as she deftly slipped the books into her pouch. "And as for my mission, this man was just a secondary target."

Adam's ego was pricked by Rose's nonchalant attitude. "Flattered, but also annoyed that you think you can take me down," he retorted before launching into a fierce attack.

Rose drew her elven katana and engaged in a heated battle with Adam, each taking turns delivering powerful blows. Adam was known for his precision and brute strength, which made it difficult for Rose. However, Rose was no ordinary junior member of Shadow Walker, she had a reputation for being wise beyond her years, and her tactical approach to learning made her an expert in certain techniques that even rivaled her elders.

With her elven katana made from a blend of adamantine and silver, crafted by a skilled elf artisan, Rose was able to unleash her techniques without being burdened by concerns about her sword's durability.

Through their exchange of skills, Rose artfully created an opening and swiftly struck Adam. Despite his valiant attempt to block her attack, his sword was no match for her elven katana and was effortlessly split in two. Rose then thrust her sword into his heart, ensuring that he would never rise again. Adam's cries of agony ceased, yet Rose's expression was not one of sorrow, but rather of disappointment.

Returning to the abode of the elderly Bam, Rose set to work removing the blood of her foes while the old man looked on from his armchair.

"Well done, young one. Take some rest now. We shall speak again tomorrow," Bam offered, to which Rose merely nodded in acquiescence.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Chapter 1. Shadow Walker (Part 6)

As the morning sun peeked through the window, Rose roused from her slumber, feeling well-rested from the previous day's adventures. However, her peace was interrupted by a clamor outside her window on the upper floor. After taking her time to get ready, she descended to the dining table, where the meal had already lost its warmth.

"I espied the village chief being chastised by the townsfolk, stripped down to his skivvies, on the square," Rose recounted, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Bam, comfortably seated on his favored armchair, chimed in, "An anonymous tip was relayed to the tavern and its patrons regarding the whereabouts of the chief's embezzled funds. The townsfolk already harbored suspicions, so it wasn't difficult to incite them to raid his house."

"How lovely," Rose replied, starting to munch on her breakfast.

"I also discovered the owner of that sword. It belonged to wandering elf merchants, Feyreaver is the name of the sword," Bam continued.

The sword's moniker combines Fey, signifying magic or fairy, with Reaver, representing a person who seizes things by force. The name evoked a sense of beauty and lethality, fitting for the exquisite and razor-sharp weapon. The hilt was bedecked with golden ornaments, and the blade glimmered with a menacing edge.

"Feyreaver, a fitting name. Do they want it back?" Rose asked.

"Oddly, no. They requested that you keep it," Bam answered, reclining in his chair.

"I can't fathom that merchants would be so charitable. You did something right? " Rose insisted.

"Not at all. The sword was procured by the chief with the townspeople's funds. They might bestow it upon you, given that you've proven yourself worthy of wielding it," Bam clarified.

"Very well," Rose assented.

"Now, onto your next mission. You must free Elyn from the grip of the Crimson Legion," Bam declared.

"Isn't Elyn too vast for the Crimson Legion to fully control?" Rose queried, recalling that Elyn was one of the Kingdom of Almadria's largest cities, having visited it previously.

"Thus, it is imperative that you join the ranks of the beast-kin army. They might be able to provide you with the assistance you require," the wise old Bam advised.

"Join the army? Their stringent regulations and protocols do not appeal to me. Furthermore, I used to belong to the Shadow Walker, which now serves as the Crimson Legion's hired hands," Rose lamented.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Chapter 1. Shadow Walker (Part 7)

"Their hierarchy and principles are not akin to human armies. The beast-kin are struggling currently, and you can aid them in their endeavors. You and they require all the support available," Bam elaborated.

"Very well, I shall devise a plan. Elyn is a highly strategic city, and it would be advantageous to have it under our control," Rose stated nonchalantly after finishing her breakfast.

"The city of Elyn has a wealth of potential, but currently, it is in disarray. Proceed to the market and prepare for your expedition. Afterward, I shall furnish you with everything inside the concealed chamber," Bam instructed the youthful Rose.

Rose departed from the aged fisherman's wharf and made her way to the bustling local market. As she gazed upon Finn Village's landscape, she observed its two-story structures and cobblestone path, with few pedestrians venturing through due to most laboring in the fields or fishing on the tranquil Stygian River.

In contrast, the market was constantly swarming with people, seemingly unfazed by the ongoing war. However, the exorbitant prices of goods hinted at the contrary. Refugees could be spotted here, seeking shelter before journeying towards Elyn in hopes of finding safety, or moving on to Folmen, or even Hormun, a mining town where precious mithril was discovered. Yet, the nature of life there remained shrouded in mystery.

The youthful Rose ventured to the general store, procuring the necessary ingredients to craft yet another smoke bomb, and purchasing some decent quality potions to restore her vigor. Additionally, she acquired tools for camping and hunting in the wild, not forgetting to stock up on dried meat and fish, wrapped in foliage from a common plant in Finn Village, to keep the food fresh for longer during her travels.

Upon her return from the bustling market, Rose was dismayed to find a swarm of people gathered around the humble abode of the old fisherman. A deep sense of foreboding overtook her, prompting her to hasten her steps to the house, only to discover that the old man had passed away.

Old Bam had lived a long and storied life, having lived for over two and a half centuries and dedicated a century of his life to fighting against the injustice of the Temple. Though his comrades either perished or gave up, Bam continued to gather information about his enemies, hoping that someone worthy would utilize it against them. The hidden room in his house was brimming with documents and equipment from his former comrades.

The funeral was a modest affair, attended only by Bam's fishing colleagues and drinking buddies. Upon returning to the house, Rose stumbled upon some dolls and letters, then discovered female clothing belonging to an adult and a child, revealing that Bam had a wife and daughter.

Entering the hidden room once more, Rose was rummaging over the chests and uncovered evidence that the Crimson Legion had massacred Bam's family. After cleaning his house, she locked up the fisherman's house and set off to Elyn, only to discover that all the roads leading there were heavily guarded by patrols, bearing the Crimson Legion banner.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Chapter 1. Shadow Walker (Part 8)

By eavesdropping on the townsfolk's conversations, Rose learned that the Crimson Legion was on high alert due to her previous actions, despite the patrols displaying the banner of the Crimson Legion, they were nothing but a gang of vicious thugs, and Rose remained wary of the perilous risk of traversing their path, even with her abilities. Furthermore, they were also the source of news regarding the war front, where the beast-kin army was being pushed back into the Azria Steppe, a disadvantageous terrain for the beast-kin due to the human army's use of powerful catapults.

Rose was aware that she must reach the battlefield and demolish the enemy's formidable catapults, which boasted a range longer than that of any ordinary catapult. Unfortunately, the usual roads between Elyn and Finn Village in the northeast were now off limits due to the patrols, and to her east lay the perilous Hollow Forest with its treacherous cliffs, a daunting journey that few would dare to undertake. The forest was known to be infested with deadly mythical creatures, making it a dangerous option. Alternatively, Rose could traverse the Stygian River from the south, sailing close enough to the Azria Steppe to rendezvous with the army of beast-kin.

With determination, Rose set sail on the old man's boat, which was ironically named after Bam's deceased daughter, a revelation that exposed the man's dishonesty.

As she embarked on her journey, Rose navigated the waters of the Stygian River with caution, deftly maneuvering her vessel along the shallowest parts of the riverbank. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, Rose refused to let her hunger or her thirst for knowledge hinder her progress. Instead, she indulged in a delicate balancing act, savoring her meal with her right hand while absorbing the knowledge contained in the books provided by the tactician and the documents that she had uncovered in the hidden room. All the while, she deftly steered her boat with the aid of her feline tail, showcasing her remarkable multitasking skills.

The Stygian River was a grand creation that flowed from the vast Orchida Grand Lake, spawning two rivers, one larger than the other. Its majestic flow cleaved through Folmen town, winding its way to the West Stygian Fort, then to the East Stygian Fort and Finn Village before skirting around the Hollow Forest to the east. The river finally flowed through the fishing villages of the beast-kin before finally meeting the open ocean.

Alas, Rose had forgotten the treacherous nature of the great Stygian River. After sailing for three-quarters of her journey, she encountered a behemoth monster known as Scylla, a multi-headed sea creature with razor-sharp teeth. Its body was like that of a sea turtle without a shell, and it had numerous snake-like heads. The monster had already matured, as it possessed three heads that sought to attack Rose's boat. It was unclear why this ferocious sea creature had found its way into the Stygian River.

Luckily, Rose was sailing close to the shore and managed to evade the beast's onslaught, reaching the shore unscathed. However, the Scylla refused to relent and chased her onto the land, uprooting trees and wreaking havoc in its path. It was evident that the creature was desperate, possibly hungry, as the river's inhabitants were either too small or too aggressive for it to feed on.

Rose was keenly aware that her elven sword would be ineffective against the monstrous beast before her. Yet, with the knowledge that the creature was desperate and willing to do anything, Rose was left with no other option but to fight. She had read a forbidden book on the art of sorcery, which detailed how humans enhanced their bodies to gain extraordinary strength. However, Rose was also aware that the price of such power was the loss of one's consciousness, leaving the user devoid of feelings and sanity. Knowing the risk, Rose could not fathom subjecting her own body to such a dangerous practice.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Chapter 1. Shadow Walker (Part 9)

Rose, on the other hand, had a different approach. She opted to utilize enhanced magic not on her physical form, but on her trusty elven katana. As she deftly evaded the monster's relentless attacks, her blade glimmered with an otherworldly radiance. After what seemed like an eternity, Rose finally found an opening to strike at one of the creature's elongated necks. The curved sword, now infused with potent magic, effortlessly sliced through Scylla's neck, cleaving it cleanly from the rest of its body. Swiftly, Rose retreated to a safe distance and quaffed a potion to restore her vitality, while at the same time imbuing her sword with yet another spell. Miraculously, the Scylla, seemingly intimidated by Rose's newfound power, eventually surrendered and slithered back into the depths of the Stygian River.

Before embarking on her journey, Rose meticulously scanned her surroundings, acutely aware of the lurking dangers of the treacherous Hollow Forest. Nevertheless, she knew that in order to reach the Beast-kin army, whose reception was uncertain at best, she must make her way through the perilous terrain. She elected to chart a course parallel to the river, tracing its path as she traversed deeper into the woods, well aware that her journey would be fraught with peril and likely to be far more arduous than she had initially anticipated.

Chapter 1. Shadow Walker end

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