@keijipeiji As you are yourself on this platform, I assume that you too enjoy some illegal tl now and then. I find it pretty hypocritical of you.
HOWEVER, I will take it down. Since it is free in jp on pixiv, since I did not make any profit from it, gave credits, I don’t see where I rob the author.
Because ppl don’t know japanese, they can’t enjoy the free ver. as literally every other jp speaking person. Ok.
They have to pay a tacky tl, shitty letterer, poor editor because they don’t know japanese. Ok.
All the profits are not directly given to the creator. The huge part is mainly for the Eng. staff. But ok.
Last advice, for other readers (and you keiji): always prefer the japanese version of a serie to TRULY support the creator.
As for myself, I will still wait with excitement the japanese serialization and buy the tanko.