This story pisses me off. I guess it's just too unrealistic for me. When someone is insecure or has weight issues it's usually because they have emotional trauma that is causing dysmorphia, depression, food addiction, etc... Even managing to lose weight doesn't actually solve the problem, you still feel insecure and usually end up with an eating disorder. I don't know what else I expected out of this but I just wish we'd stop pushing this false narrative that people deserve to be berated because their bodies aren't considered attractive because THEY DONT. I'm sure they will fall in love and she will lose weight and be "worthy" of his affection blah blah blah these kinds of stories are so harmful to young girls. Im not mad about the story being her losing weight I just think that if you're gonna do that you should portray it in a better way especially because the mc's body type is not actually that overweight at all.