@SGR Its not even that if spoilers are to be believed, none of it has really shown itself in this yet though.
if it was just bitchslap training that's harsh or a rebellious princess, that could be dealt with, would suck, but it can be dealt with.
but every system in this world is geared toward shitty people exploiting the hell out of it to be even shittier.
lore dump is really the most beninge of them all, but imagine the worst of the spoilers being true in this and then have a lore dump on top of it...
Its not so much ramp the tropes to 10, its ramp them to 10, get spinal tap in to get the 11 knobs and add in a 'they ramped up to 11 for the most horrible reasons a thing could go to 11' and this is where you get the mc from.
I 100% don't blame him for a single action he has taken yet.