Fight Class 3 - Vol. 7 Ch. 53 - Round 53: Man in Crisis

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Didn't you write some equally dumb post last time about this being shit because the MC hadn't had the spotlight for a while? You more than welcome to stop reading and especially stop posting.

Meanwhile almost best girl pulled out the victory! Nice!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
If this work didn't cheaply hook people in with a central plot line in the father/fight class 3, the lack of MC would be totally fine and these side fights would be great. In a relatively normal (fight) school life story this would be quite good.

But I'm still wondering why the fuck even have that plot line if you're gonna sideline it so fucking hard. At this point MC's growth is damn near worthless even when shown 'cause the value in it disappeared with his dad & the significance of fight class 3. There's a reason the lore chapters were more valuable than anything else thus far and I'm pretty sure it's not just 'cause it's lore , it's because of this.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 3, 2019
@Mangareader @Lithe Because the father storyline has been set up as the endgame for the series (similar to Naruto becoming Hokage or Luffy becoming the Pirate King). Instead of rushing through MC's development by skipping the entirety of his school life just to get to the part where he finds his sister and fights his father, the author has decided to go for a realistic approach and is showing us the entire journey without relying on time skips or cheap "powerups". In the meantime, he's making sure to explore that "relatively normal (fight) school life story" by portraying the typical stuff that plays out in high school and using the fights to develop the cast and their relationships.

For those readers only following this for the promise of "revenge" and who want the plot to go from point A to point Z as soon as possible, I can totally understand why this "lack of progress" would put them off. But if you're aware that a newbie like the MC won't become strong out of the sudden, I think the series has done a good job in telling the readers that it's gonna take a while for him to catch up and compete against martial artists with far more experience than him by having him lose constantly despite all his improvements. For example:

- He did quite well in the entrance exam but he ended up getting disqualified = L
- Also did quite well in his first official match but ended up losing to a better and more experienced opponent = L
- Got rid of his reluctance of hurting others and stood up for his friends but still lost due to being outnumbered and hurting his wrist during the fight = L

I think this a very different approach than the usual "MC gets OP and starts beating everybody" so I'm not annoyed by his "lack of progress". In fact, I like it. Yes, it's undeniable that he's been away from the spotlight during the current arc, but I rather wait until it's finished before deciding if this was a good or a bad choice on the author's part. He's clearly chosen to focus on two of the biggest mysteries of the series, which are Maria's (The other protagonist of the series) secret past and the school's secrets regarding Fight Class 3, so I'm really curious to see where all that leads up to. Also, the fights in the middle are really cool and the SOL side of the series is pretty good IMO, so I'm still having a nice time following the story. But that's just me.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018
You basically Summed up why I'm completely fine with the main protagonist not getting to milk all of the panel time. I'm sick and tired of manga that introduced a fun cast of characters and then proceeded to kick them to the curb in favor of sucking off the MC. This manga at least looks like it'll have a bit more fairness
Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2019
How can I be both so aggravated and heartened by this bout? He's a treacherous douche(the face shot part, not the date proposition juke --that was genius), but seeing the mutual respect and the conclusion was just so heartwarming. I'm glad that this series isn't infected by the hypocritical shounen manga "a guy shouldn't (selectively) ever hit a girl" ad nauseam bullshit. Also, seeing her just going for it was something I've sorely missed for quite a few different series' worth.

...And the choreography was nice, too.
Fed-Kun's army
May 11, 2020
@Qwormuli well those typical shounen are made for certain demographic, who believe that being nice and kind to girl and never hit one (even in the face of danger) will make girls flock to you lmao

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