Finding a Yuri Title...

Fed-Kun's army
Nov 5, 2019
Use to read this on MR months & months ago, so I've lost the title of it in months of 2020 related trauma induced memory loss..

Plot goes like this...

FL is a young girl who has been unofficially adopted by her older brother and his wife to save her from parental abuse, she's living with them & her brother is out of the home most of the time working full time. Sister in law & FL spend most of their time visiting, shopping, generally hanging out it's a basic slow-burn storyline as the FL gushes about her emotions to an "emotionless" friend from the school/a cafe her SIL works at.

Eventually, FL's emotions get the best of her after SIL gets into an accident/discovers FL's brother possibly cheating on her and she confesses to SIL... SIL rebukes and FL's Mother enters the picture again to take FL back. FL leaves her home and goes back to the Parental abuse to escape being shot down, and SIL was in the process of discovering the cheating/self-discovery of her own emotions towards FL when MR shut down.

There were a few Yuri couples involved in this story in the background, it had a bit of comedy and a bit of dark emotional humor... Would like to pick up the story and read again if anyone knows vaguely what I'm on about.
Sep 21, 2018
Sounds like this one

Edit: Very interesting, when I commented, there was no previous comment before me. Now there is one. I guess the database wasn't syncing properly again?
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 5, 2019
Thank you! It's even complete! Oh I'm anticipating the journey now... How will it end... Oh joy :D

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