For anyone trying to learn Katakana!
For those who want to understand what the heck is the translation here. From what I got from a sample of the manga...
The entire original manga is written in KATAKANA.
Katakana is one of the 3 japanese alphabets that is used for foreign words, meaning names and words written in Katakana are essentially borrowed words from other languages, mostly english, but not exclusive. All of the isekai manga with foreign names, for example, are written in Katakana.
So all the fantranslator is doing is writing that Katakana text into the same text, but with our alphabet.
Hence, if you think something in the translation looks weird, try to understand, read the start of the chapter again about the author who wrote it.
PS: I'm having a headache reading all the katakana english at the end of the chapter. LOL