@xandrasa believe me...you don't want legend of maian to end. Look up the novel spoilers it's adapted from. Aflame inferno though...yeah I miss that. Also WHY is he doing unbalance x 2 epilogue. The continuation sucks balls.
This feels like it's going to be set up as a tragedy.Either,Kazuya has to stay there along with the girls brought along later on due to possibly no way of getting back,unless they can use Arcadia to get back OR Kazuya dies trying to stop instrumentality along with the rest of the "harem".225 Chapters,and the story is getting somewhere without the constant school drama of girls wanting to kill one another.Just end this manga right,don't rush the ending like Unbalancex2.😒
Legend of Maian had a really crappy ending for first season.
Didnt like how she lost her memory and ended up with a kid and now its all back at one again.... sort of depressing, and killed it the entire series for me like
however i gave up entirely on Lim Dal Young.
He's worse then Togashi, who we all also know as Trollgashi, aka Hunter x Hunter author, in the amount of hiatus / i want to do something else type atmosphere he gives off.
But then again if you were Togashi, u probably wouldnt give a dayam if your editors were breathing down on you, because your racking in royalties from yuyu hakyushou, and are married to the author of Sailor Moon.