Ok, this was old 10 chapters ago. Dude is just being a whiny, passive aggressive bitch who for some reason cant handle his sister at all and would rather pull anyone else down with him than just honestly confront her in a serious manner, without caving in at the first chance. The sister also needs a lot of professional medical help for her obsessive compulsion with controlling/possessing her brother's life. Kaka needs to just do something for herself already, whether it is calling it with Ma li, because no one likes to be a "third wheel" who is kept out of the loop (for some reason), or at least confront Ma li about what the fuck is happening.
And Ma li needs to stop letting others just decide things for her (him?). How she still has yet to develop any trust issues is beyond me (one would think getting kidnapped, held hostage, almost killed, and extorted would make one a bit more hesitant at just going along with whatever the fuck someone else wants you to do). Helpful life tip: "Don't ruin your own life, just because of someone else's personal issues, which are entirely unrelated to you. In other words, dont be someone else's tool".
Worst part is, the entire reason any of this is happening in the first place is fucking dumb. For those who have forgotten, Ma li wants this guys help with finding a friend who went missing a few years back because he has a lead to his whereabouts. We already know that is some bullshit. That "friend" isn't even human in the first place. Second, this guy has seemingly no plan to actually help, and just is using Ma li to put off confronting his sister for who knows how long. Third, he is not "missing", he just went back home to his realm/world/dimension or whatever it is and has made it clear he has basically 0 intention of returning.