Wow 17 chapters, that's got a speed record in romcoms
Thanks for the chapter!
Must be because of
lack of communication. See how most romance drama could be solved with a few minutes of open conversation 60% of the time, everytime. However, since these romances due end up succeedimg in fiction, despite the lack of
clear communication, we must therefore logically conclude, that fiction has the romance partakers talk through their feelings alone, essentially telepathy of the hearts. Since this manga is all about conversations of the heart, it means there is no beating around the bush, especially once the proper romance flags start to drop around, ie. stalking horse and misunderstood love letter/joke confession. Now with the proper set up done and dealt with, of course it jumps straight to them going out, since the two have been clearly and openly communicating from the start.
Most definitely has nothing to do with the chapter count and how this series prolly was only contracted for two volumes.