Perhaps Panette's JP and opinion has changed/improved over the last two years, but my quick two cents:
Translation at the time was, "I'm fine with not doing anything lewd, though // (as long as I get to spend some kind of time with you.)"
This is a good translation, but 困りません is more literally, "I'm not troubled" (with not doing anything lewd...etc.)
In defence of the 'age-gap power dynamic' that may be felt then, is:
1) The only thing she might be 'troubled by' is her own feelings of hornt. That is, Minami is implying she is horny, but is satisfied as long as she spends time with Iori. Therefore, not an issue to take it to the bedroom.
2) The two clearly have a consistent and regular sex life, and both quite clearly enjoy the other being somewhat pushy in their physical advances (even though they may get embarrassed by it). I'd personally be much more concerned if this happened at the beginning of the story, but 74 chapters in, with Minami often initiating, no discomfort ever shown from either end, and their style, I feel like any discomfort in the 'age-gap power dynamic' is reading too much into it. That being said, I did just read all the chapters at once, so that may be clearer to me than them working so long behind the scenes.
3) There is, of course, clearly the comment about the age difference between the two, but it's in terms of preferences/sexual drive rather than power. There has been NO mention in any chapters except the first five about Minami being dependent on Iori for food, shelter, etc. She earns her own money and has financial freedom. Both are in an interdependent relationship where they want each other, but do not need each other for survival. The 'age-gap power dynamic' is just not an issue within their relationship, nor an idea explored by the manga.
Overall, the fact that it's 困りません, "I'm not troubled," their history, and the themes of the manga lead me to be totally okay with this chapter.