I'm out immediately. Sherlock Holmes already has defined character traits/faults, to add on two heinous ones like "casual child abuser" and "hater of the poor" seems needless. I hate when things just tack on famous names "just because".
In fact, if insistent on being in the Holmesverse, you could easily just have this character be Moriarity. Someone as cunning as Holmes but sinister, as I imagine they are going for a tense relationship between kid and guy. The opening scene was condensed and turned into Moriarity cleaning up a loose-end in a larger scheme, who involved the main kid by accident.
It just feels lazy to take a famous thing, change it unrecognizably for no reason. No, I'm not just precious about Sherlock Holmes. I just don't think this is interesting. You're not exploring new angles and areas of a cool character, you're creating a new character and, at best, trying to coast off recognition of an established name.