Gomi Ika da to Tsuihousareta Shounin, Jitsu wa Zensei Kenja Desu ~Shijou Saikyou no Kenja, Sekai Saikou Hou no Gakuen ni Kayou~ - Ch. 4.2

Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
I really, really hope the Author doesn't ham-fist the repercussions of this, into some "nakamah-powah" nonsense.

At the very least, king/nation/council should get involved at the fact they just lost taxpaying cattle subjects because of delegating power to an inept lord. And that's at a bare minimum. Summary executions of entire families were had for less in history.

Let alone the Church, or any in-universe relief bodies cleaning up in the aftermath. It's a humanitarian and PR disaster at that point. In modern times it only has as much bite as the Catholic Pope condemning the Rohingya genocide; but in fictional medieval past the Church could have kings overthrown for marrying the "wrong" woman.

Caricatures need to end somewhere. Otherwise JP morality p__n gets as ugly as JP revenge p__n. Both equally poorly written with dysfunctional plot and universes.
Indeed that whichever the place is, there will always be a group with enough power and authority that enforces their laws/ideals. In your example, it was the church. But what if the strongest force is not the church but the nobles? Egoistic, self-entitled, self-serving nobles? We will get this manga.

Why give him a second chance? When he himself didn't give the MC a first chance to defend himself from his "dear son's" allegations?
He could have the MC's room searched for the money or other suspiciously pricey items that he should not have been able to buy on his butler's stipend or ask around to ascertain his spending habits, or even IF there was money missing from the house's coffers. He did no such thing.
He could have send a team to investigate IF there are monster corpses in the surrounding area or even have the MC prove that he can kill powerful monsters, he chose not to.
Heck he could just have the fang that the MC showed him checked by an expert to ascertain its authenticity. But again he chose to deem it a fake out of hand and then declare the MC worse than trash and subsequently banish him from the only house he's ever known, even after years of faithful service with nothing but the shirt on his back and in a most insulting manner at that...again on unconfirmed allegations from ONE person.

He deserves no pity, nor a second chance. I sincerely hope the MC won't give him a second chance....but we all know that 99.9999% of MC's in Japanese media are goodie two shoes because "the MC must be selfless and forgiving always" for ...reasons...
I just hope that when he'll inevitably chose to help the feudal lord, he'll charge him an arm and a leg so he can fund his spell research...at least that is what I would expect someone whose supposed to be a sage and has the wisdom of having lived already once to have.
I'm not saying that he should be given a second chance, but I can understand why he wouldn't give MC a second chance.
1. Which one would a father believe more: his own son or a stranger?
2. His people is also his son's people. Who's to say that they're not told to keep silent or to also lie about MC by the son, like the person beside the father? So the allegations was most likely "confirmed" and not only from one person.
3. His son and his people might have poisoned his mind for a long time, complaining and whining that MC was useless, liar, etc. Add the supposed crimes it's no wonder he would fire MC. Because as far as he knew, MC was a just a trash servant with no achievement. Nobles can dismiss commoners very easily with much less slight.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2023
Given the son is a piece shit, i don't think the dad is any different. The last page doesn't look like he will swallow his pride and apologize profusely
That won't do any good. The only choice is for the son to prostrate, because he's near Gard and in a position to learn from him, unlike dad, with the idea being Lot could fill the shoes to some degree after that. That could work, but I don't think it will happen. I'm not sure if Gard is forgiving, so much as he thinks Lot is an ant, and you tend not to care about ants no matter what they say or do, without any hard feelings either way.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2023
Gard: "that's not a bad offer indeed, but you'll catch Ligma"
Lotto: "Ligma wha-"
Gard: "Ligma balls!"

Jokes aside I really want to see at least Gard saving the citizen, but left that Stoopid ruler there. At the very least the citizens didn't do anything wrong (right?)

As always, thank you for the sl, LH translation!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
The way I see it, it's all most of it is actually MC fault. Around 65%(give or take🙄)
If he bring a proofs of subjugation or show his power when he still work as a servant. People won't mistaken him as a lazy and liar who likes to ditch their work.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2023
I'm not saying that he should be given a second chance, but I can understand why he wouldn't give MC a second chance.
1. Which one would a father believe more: his own son or a stranger?
2. His people is also his son's people. Who's to say that they're not told to keep silent or to also lie about MC by the son, like the person beside the father? So the allegations was most likely "confirmed" and not only from one person.
3. His son and his people might have poisoned his mind for a long time, complaining and whining that MC was useless, liar, etc. Add the supposed crimes it's no wonder he would fire MC. Because as far as he knew, MC was a just a trash servant with no achievement. Nobles can dismiss commoners very easily with much less slight.
Sorry but those are an awful lot of conjectures.
First of all, the MC is no stranger, the Feudal lord had taken in the MC ever since he was a child as we can see on chapter 1.
So he is anything but a stranger and he should have been able to know about the quality of the MC's character.

We don't see any third party confirming this, just the son and that aide.
Assuming that he somehow had more people back up both of his claims, then he would have just brought it up saying things like "we had multiple reports that you steal money" from these and these people , then as ANY proper lord would do he would simply give him a chance to do the "unthinkable" and explain or defend himself.
The feudal lord on the other hand just matter of factly refused to listen to anything the MC had to say and even when he had the proof about the monster extermination on his hand he deliberately chose to deem it a fake without so much as a simple test.

The fact that he CHOSE to not only put more faith on baseless hearsay and CHOSE to ignore possible evidence as to the MC's innocence (or at the very least proof that he does indeed exterminate monsters) but he also never gave him a chance to defend himself tells me that he deserves nothing and his position is not excusable in the least.
Especially since he showed such exceptional animosity towards the MC for no reason and even his parting words were "Don't ever think you can live within my territory ,got it?" that goes beyond having your mind poisoned.
Active member
Aug 3, 2023
Idk if the bad reviews are bc of Slow start or “generic” approach but seems fun this manga, I would give it a 7-8, 6ish seems kinda low, the art is good too
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
Welp, not sure what the father and son will do to reconcile with their supposed "trash" servant.

However, I do feel sorry for the people under that feudal lord, it's not their fault that their savior left them.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Those people are gonna die because their lord is trash
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
Sorry but those are an awful lot of conjectures.
First of all, the MC is no stranger, the Feudal lord had taken in the MC ever since he was a child as we can see on chapter 1.
So he is anything but a stranger and he should have been able to know about the quality of the MC's character.

We don't see any third party confirming this, just the son and that aide.
Assuming that he somehow had more people back up both of his claims, then he would have just brought it up saying things like "we had multiple reports that you steal money" from these and these people , then as ANY proper lord would do he would simply give him a chance to do the "unthinkable" and explain or defend himself.
The feudal lord on the other hand just matter of factly refused to listen to anything the MC had to say and even when he had the proof about the monster extermination on his hand he deliberately chose to deem it a fake without so much as a simple test.

The fact that he CHOSE to not only put more faith on baseless hearsay and CHOSE to ignore possible evidence as to the MC's innocence (or at the very least proof that he does indeed exterminate monsters) but he also never gave him a chance to defend himself tells me that he deserves nothing and his position is not excusable in the least.
Especially since he showed such exceptional animosity towards the MC for no reason and even his parting words were "Don't ever think you can live within my territory ,got it?" that goes beyond having your mind poisoned.
You were also using conjectures, you know. "Could have" and "assumptions" can't be helped in this case.

Taking MC as a kid doesn't make him much closer than a stranger if he did nothing more to make them closer. He could have taken MC on a whim, momentary charity by making an unfortunate kid a servant boy. It's quite common.

Even if he didn't ask other people, normally testimonies from just his son and his aide would be enough. Asking for more testimony would mean that he don't actually love/trust those people. We know he loves his asshole son, and he obviously trusted the aide, or why else he would make that man his aide?

It doesn't matter if the fang was real. MC was accused of stealing. That proof could have been prepared by MC using the stolen money. Even searching MC's room wouldn't be enough, because MC could have hidden the stash somewhere else. Once again, words of his dear son and trusted aide against the words of a stranger.

His animosity towards MC was the reason why I said that his mind was poisoned by the son and the aide. Another proof that his relationship with MC was not close and their interactions were minimal if not nonexistant.

But like I said, it didn't mean that he should get a second chance. Mistakes were made, after all.
Dec 26, 2020
Time to empty the coffers to find and secure the MC again before it is too late.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2019
Nah, if the father didn't even bother to cross check the infos that he received, and easily fired someone because of that, even if Gard comes back, he'll soon make a dumb decision and bring another disaster because he's THAT unwise.

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