why the fuck is the slime in the shape of a skull
if it's to make itself look threatening, how the fuck does it know humans are scared of skulls
unless slimes are hyper-intelligent but weak so they turn into fears to ward off predators
also it might be different if it was real but in this it just looks goofy
Haha, I was just about to say that I though that the skull shape for the slime at the end was bad ass. Slimes so rarely feel or look deadly, and this made one look so for at least one panel.
Also, you may say that a slime looking like a skull is goofy, but it also happens in nature, y'know? There are moths and butterflies that have skull patterns on their wings - not to mention all the patterns that look like eyes. Do they know what skulls and eyes look like?...
Of course not, it's an evolutionary trait - likewise we can assume the same for the slime.
Looking like a skull probably wards away threats (adventurers), and thus they evolved to look like a skull... that, or we can just say 'it's magic', lol.