So, the guy who Sachi is talkin to is Asano himself, or at least some sort of self-insert. Maybe it symbolizes Asano's own self doubt about Oyasumi Punpun, whether anyone would be interested in hearing what he has to say.
Sure, fluffy and shallow feel-good manga won't change the world. They won't even change Japan.
But they're a nice distraction from the harshness of reality for which there is fundamentally no solution.
And for all that readers like to jerk off over miserable series like this because they're relatable (because life really is that shitty), ultimately you're not going to feel good reading this sort of thing.
People on this site have a horrible track record of giving high scores to pseudo-deep navel-gazing bullshit.
But it really is difficult to get the formula just right when off the safe path of fluffy stuff.