Graveyard of Airships seeking "Translation Consultant" - read for more info

Group Leader
Jan 23, 2018
Hey, I'm Bainhardt. Thanks for reading.
I currently work as a (rather amateur) independent scanlator, which is to say, by myself. Technically speaking, I'm not looking to change that by taking on any new members or projects.

However, one of the manga I work on, HSHS Sasero!!, frequently has handwritten floating text. These are a major roadblock in my progress with chapters of this manga; sometimes they are legible enough to work out, and other times they prove very difficult for me to read due to my limited knowledge of kanji combined with the somewhat poor handwriting. Everything else in the chapters I am able to translate, so it is only these portions giving me difficulty.

I've found in the past that when I show these lines of text to those far more skilled in Japanese, they are usually able to figure out what it says, so that's where this recruitment comes in. I am hoping to find a couple people I could message on here or add on Discord in order to ask about these texts when they prove too difficult for me to figure out by myself. I don't know how often we'd have to be talking, but it would likely be at least a couple lines each chapter, so this would be a continual correspondence. You wouldn't have to translate them if you didn't feel like it, I would only need the Japanese as-is. Naturally I'd be able to provide any context necessary and also the rough script for the rest of the page/panel/whatever might be helpful.

Anyone who might be able to help out, you have my gratitude (´ー`)b

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