Haiiro no Onmyouji - Ch. 14 - Parent and Child Pt6

Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
...Is it bad that I was terribly happy to see all those exorcists get stomped (and likely die) like that?
Like someone else said before, this feels less like "Gray", and more like the supposed good guys are really bad guys, and the bad guys are actually misunderstood and possibly good guys.
Until they introduce us to an exorcist that we can solidly say is "good" aside from MC, only the Kuragari can really be called Gray at this point... Unless we include the dad exorcist that died? Maybe he was supposed to be the "good" one from the exorcists aside from MC?
I dunno even know what I'm typing anymore lmao.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
Thank u always for ur great work...

The battle scene seems like got several cut there...

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