Hanninmae no Koibito - Ch. 31

Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Great use of the thought bubble there author :thumbsup:

Not gonna lie, I misted up a little at the end too. I could almost feel the beat coming off the pages
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
PSA: don't go to a chiropractor if you like your spine, it's pseudoscience at best and actively harmful at worst.
You realize if there's a blood clot sitting in your neck, you're gonna have a stroke whether it's the chiro that does it with an adjustment, or you turning to shoulder check in the car. Stroke sized clots are just a ticking time bomb.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2023
God, I love this title. Character design and overall art is so beautiful and clean too.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2020
You realize if there's a blood clot sitting in your neck, you're gonna have a stroke whether it's the chiro that does it with an adjustment, or you turning to shoulder check in the car. Stroke sized clots are just a ticking time bomb.
Who even mentioned blood clots? Literally 17 different things can go wrong when one of these hacks has a go at you.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2020
The entire wiki post they linked?
Do you have reading comprehension issues or something? The wiki article goes on and on about cases where arteries were torn by neck adjustments, tendons messed up etc, nothing to do with blood clots at all. In fact, the word "clot" appears zero times in that article.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Do you have reading comprehension issues or something? The wiki article goes on and on about cases where arteries were torn by neck adjustments, tendons messed up etc, nothing to do with blood clots at all. In fact, the word "clot" appears zero times in that article.
Okay dumbass.

"intentional whiplash" experiment caused blood vessels in his neck to rupture, leading to a fatal stroke"

Do you know what that means? Blood vessels rupture THEY CLOT, travel to the brain and you have a stroke. You have no clue about what you're talking about and I'm supposed to take your medical advice?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2020
Okay dumbass.

"intentional whiplash" experiment caused blood vessels in his neck to rupture, leading to a fatal stroke"

Do you know what that means? Blood vessels rupture THEY CLOT, travel to the brain and you have a stroke. You have no clue about what you're talking about and I'm supposed to take your medical advice?
Who is giving you medical advice, dumbass? Like I would waste my time giving advice to someone who believes in supersticious cult nonsense.
That you found one reference of it in the entire article changes nothing, blood clots still aren't the primary problem and are just a strawman you prefer to talk about rather than the artery-rupturing, tendon-destroying pseudoscience you defend.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Who is giving you medical advice, dumbass? Like I would waste my time giving advice to someone who believes in supersticious cult nonsense.
That you found one reference of it in the entire article changes nothing, blood clots still aren't the primary problem and are just a strawman you prefer to talk about rather than the artery-rupturing, tendon-destroying pseudoscience you defend.
Its literally the first and most important thing they talk about when signing waivers.

Like, you actually know NOTHING about it. You're just some rambling dumbass.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I don't really speak cultish, but if I translated it right, you're claiming that me not being convinced by your bone-setting magic healing falls into the domain of conspiracy theories?
Bone setting magic healing? Oof. That's what I mean. Zero knowledge on the subject. Has all his info from reddit.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2020
Bone setting magic healing? Oof. That's what I mean. Zero knowledge on the subject. Has all his info from reddit.
Being indoctrinated isn't the same as understanding the subject. Just as I don't have to lick dog shit to know it doesn't taste great, I don't have to let a quack perform pseudomedicine founded by a self-proclaimed "magnet healer" on me to know it's bullshit.

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