Let's Do It Already! - Vol. 3 Ch. 17

Jul 29, 2019
mmmm. 😑 While I'm enjoying this series...I still have SO many qualms with this relationship.

I'm suuuper not stoked about how she gives up her everything for his sake, while he can't be bothered to make her a priority at all. I mean, he literally only asked her out in the beginning as a means to an end. That is, he asked her out so that he could get back to his everyday routine which was shot to hell as he obsessed over her. He didn't even ask her out for the sake of dating her; he asked her out so that he could get back to his usual routine.

I mean, he can only do 15 minutes for a date, while she gladly forks over 8 hours??

And the only time he can spare for her over the whole summer is the scraps of time he finds as he travels between places or switches between scheduled activities? -- He seriously can't even be bothered to invite her as his date to those recitals he has to go to?

And, really? He's going to generally neglect the relationship he has with the woman he's obsessed with in favor of dedicating his youth to a job that he doesn't have (and may not ever have)?

And THEN he goes and not only messes with her personal freedom by having her job at the convenience store taken from her out of jealousy, he then goes and tries to make her his freaking servant?!

I mean, if this was an S&M-type couple I'd be like...yeah, ok. "Abandonment play" and maid-master stuff...ok, sure. ---But since it isn't I'm just left like, "...what the hell, even?"

I know very well that unbelievable chemistry and love can make us do really stupid and illogical things, but that's all the more reason why I really want her to eventually realize how ridiculous this whole relationship is. I want her to acknowledge that even if they love each other, sometimes "love" isn't enough and that the way he "loves" her is too hurtful.

I also want her to recognize that just because he turns 17, that doesn't mean anything at all will actually change in their relationship, even if he said things would. He doesn't have time for her now and there's nothing to indicate that the situation will ever change. I mean, he's prepping for the prime minister job now. Then he'll do more schooling to prep. Then he'll campaign. Then he'll be prime minister (supposedly). Exactly when does he intend to make her a priority in that plan? Sure, he'll be outside of the tradition's limitations, but he won't have the free time to have a "normal" high school relationship even then. So she'll still be jilted. Again. -- For example, even if he had turned 17 before the summer, it wouldn't "matter" to the relationship because he never planned to see her even once over the summer to begin with.

And, ok sure, maybe it looks like he's trying his best in his own way. Like organizing the mountain trip or rappelling down the side of her dang house just because she didn't answer their nightly phone call. But in the end, he only ever makes any gestures "for her" when they suit him and his whims; which is usually on his terms and when she has already pushed herself to undue extremes for his sake (like waiting 8 hours early for a date or signing up to be his maid and take a promotional exam in 2 weeks when other employees usually do it after a year.)

Honestly, failing the maid promotion exam would've been the last straw for me. I'd be like "I worked this hard and took this demeaning test just to be able to hear my boyfriend say 'good morning' and 'good night' to me. Which you could already do by phone if you genuinely cared enough to do so. Moreover, I'm not even considered smart enough by your family's standards to be your servant, but somehow you think your family will accept me as your girlfriend? -- Or maybe you know that they won't, and that's why you won't invite me to meet them or to be your date to those recitals?

--- Pfft. Boi, Bye.

I hope her emotions get the better of her when she realizes that he's outside her window and that he could have, in fact, made time to see her over the summer if he found it worth trying to do. I hope she blows up at him. Though it's probably too soon for that to happen...if it ever does. She'll probably just be happy to see him and ogle him in his outfit. 🙄

...still going to keep reading though. (...and I'd ogle him too.)
Aggregator gang
Apr 24, 2020
@lamsar503 my sentiments exactly

I'm actually waiting for the angsty part where she had enough and finally break it off and he'll be the one who's gonna do all those waiting and doing crazy stuff just to be with the FL (I don't think this will happen tho)

I will be reading this manga until the end because despite my complaints and reservation, I really love the art and I actually enjoyed this 😅
Apr 10, 2019
@lamsar503 it’s really bad when you put it to words like you did.. but honestly that’s what I’ve also been thinking. I think it’s really not worth it to put that much effort so early. I mean, they’re still 16, highschoolers, immature (and childish in yuri’s part). Would that relationship even last long? She’s a free spirited girl, getting involved with such a stiffling family like his will be very exhausting. I don’t know if we’ll ever get to see his family but my guess, like in every drama, there’s no way his parents will approve. What then? After all the hard works she put into but none from him, i think it’s unfair for her to keep going like this without certainty of what’s gonna happen. And like you said, him turning 17 wont change the fact that he’ll keep following the “tradition” after all

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