[help] looking for the title of a certain manga...

May 16, 2018
My friend and I are looking for the title of a manga that she once read. She only remembers the general plot (vaguely). After much Google searching, we couldn't find the manga she was looking for. She described the story as follows:
So it about this girl who is a competition to be a princess
Her and her childhood friend go to the same school
And she wins the competition
Its like to be the angelic princess or some shit
But they later find out her childhood friend
Is the prince of the demon world
And because she cares about him and it's either they kill each other or stay in a time loop
She always decides the time loop
It's something like that
One part she gets in trouble for destroying a part of the school and gets locked up with another guy and they both have to write over 600 different types of apology letters
Her childhood friend goes blind for a few days

I apologize if this is not enough info. But thank you for your time anyways!
Mar 24, 2018
Manga Updates sure is a great site, huh. They even let you view a list of their custom tags, with "quick search" option enabled.

Not like that shitty Myanimelist.

edit: Well, sorry mate, i looked up all the titles tagged with "time loop" (excluding porn), and it appears it isn't there. Or maybe you misremembered something. Either way, apologies are in order.

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