Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu - Vol. 4 Ch. 18

Jan 14, 2023
Thx for the translation! rly looking forward to next chapter
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 15, 2019
So, there was a already a long lived God in there, 'the brainsnatcher', and them in the mass death, a new 'evil' God was created.

The evil god was keeping the brainsnatcher to 'coming down'(?) the village and thus maybe weakening it?????

Would there be two God beings or maybe, the brainsnatcher just got corrupted instead, making the people think it was a another thing...??? Like, maybe the brainsnatcher sealed itself in the mountain to prevent further corruption/killings??

:v idk what I'm talking about pls don't pay attention hgjksghfhdjk

On another thought, I like Hikaru's tiny little baby steps on learning people emotions and relations. Him having the little thought that the old grandma he killed had someone else to care for her, like Yoshiki for him is nice :') (or maybe I'm just looking too much into it...)

Thank you for the amazing translation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aggregator gang
Sep 10, 2019
I love how Yoshiki is just a mess of a child. Poor baby
Knows Hikaru is dangerous? Check
Wants to kill Hikaru? Check
Feels guilty over his being together with Hikaru? Check
Understands what he is doing is wrong? Check
Still chooses to be with Hikaru anyway? Check
Meanwhile Hikaru is just too innocent to understand what's wrong with what he's done and he needs Yoshiki to tell him.
"I'll carry that sin with you"
That's really one of the trope I love the most in stories!!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
It seems things will get worse huh

Thanks a lot for the update!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
Thanks for the translation.
I still don't think "Hikaru" was malevolent and instead he was something used to keep things in check. Maybe the new Malevolent God was at odds with the Brain-Snacher, and the ritual was just something needed to renew his strength
I agree with this (or at least I want to). Considering Brain-Snatcher Hikaru's desire to "take-in" other things maybe it absorbed the evil being born of the famine and became corrupted itself or lost it's form/duty and devolved into a chaotic monster that needed to be placated by the Indoh family.
Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2019
Thank you so much for this and all the other chapters, just found and caught up to it today and GOD it's so good and it hurts so good and i hope so much for a happy ending that just isn't gonna come.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 11, 2019
yoshiki deciding to look dive head first into the world of the beast is baller

maybe the indoh family established a system in which they give up their loved ones in exchange for something else, rather than the story that they'll be "stolen" away if unmarried? or rather maybe an indoh did something the great brain snatcher perceived as a transgression and have been cursed for it as well as the town

the intital incident in which the town was separated into "body parts" and the slue of deaths is definitely related to the indohs. whether they were the cause or the solution. maybe the great brain snatcher is apart of a system of creatures in the seperate body parts that are the now separated villages who takes in people to sustain the body. maybe thats the primary analogy here, someway, somehow the villages are home to a consciousness, a "body" that needs sustenance.

the famine that befell the humans may be representative of a famine the "body" underwent and thus took in a lot of people to fulfill that hunger.

Thx for the translation !
Kind of a mix of aono-kun and mieruko on the plot rn ! Loving to see it so well draw
ive been seeing the similaries to aono-kun from the beginning (read that first), but mieruko is also an interesting comparison!!

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