Relax me, the butler is just here for joke purposes. He's just an add on for a joke. It's not annoying at all, in fact it's fun to see him making fun of himself. hmmhmm, yess....
@cash-616 His real name is KaMEnashi. KaNEnashi is his nickname. When I put Kamenashi, it’s because the original manga said so (go ahead, try putting 亀梨 into google translate). The times when Kanenashi is used is when his friends call out to him, and those times it is written in Katakana (カネナシ; this is also in the title of the manga and why people get so confused).
Apologies if I sound angry. It’s just that this is definitely not the first time people have told me I misspelled his name, and I bet it won’t be the last.
@toshiNARI ohhh right, thanks for the explanation, and no problem I can only imagine, still thanks for take your time and thanks for the work! It’s really appreciated!