so first he cucks him and then wants to make him one of the most powerful people in the kingdom? WHY? why would you cause animosity between you and him onto to then massively promote him Philip?
Yes, the best way to maintain somebody's loyalty is to fuck their gf and give them a high position in the army
good job, Philip. Now I'm happy that you're getting non-stop cucked by your wife.
so first he cucks him and then wants to make him one of the most powerful people in the kingdom? WHY? why would you cause animosity between you and him onto to then massively promote him Philip?
Now i have read everything and reread, i think king Philip know Alexander is a bastard or atleast through the queen view king Phillip don't like prince Alexander and the king know about the queen betray before hand.
So he need new heir and to create like loyal servant, protector of the new queen he choose our old cuckold MC girl. This was also to tie the MC down to Macedonia. In service to the crown.