I get the feeling that something's been horribly screwed in either the translation or just in this adaptation.
I'm guessing that he's pretty much like a dungeon boss at this point in the story. When closer to them, the recovery benefits outpace his physical deterioration, but he's at the point where that isn't applying enough - paired with his usage of weapons and skills "above his level", and it's like trading stamina consumption for what's in his level range for health consumption to use what isn't.
..he's essentially a Level 1 Human(?) using Level 100 cursed equipment and skills, which he's still upgrading beyond his capacity.
Now he has the Godsticc, which would've impacted his stamina heavily to use.. if he had enough in the first place!
Enough rambling, just trying to catch myself up with all that's happened so far..
Well, thanks for the translations!