Honey Lemon Soda - Vol. 6 Ch. 21

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
Uka’s mother was there the whole time? I just realised her presence when she acknowledged Kai ??


Jan 23, 2018
While he dad is overreacting, he's also not wrong. They were kinda shitty to her at first.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 18, 2018
This manga is damn good.
The conflict development, the resolution, the character growth, the fluffiness and the bitter-sweet part are something lacking on shoujo manga nowadays. But this manga did it.
Well, in real life, I'm not good to deal with people like that too. I mean, in my case, they are different and utterly brat.
I have quite high intuition, and have the ability to sense something when observing others. They use something that is sparkling, social (too) free, naughty and so on.
But I'm happy when the writer here doesn't show bias. Everyone is not the same, but not everyone is also different from each other. We don't deserve to judge something just by the cover.

To be honest, I understand how she feels. I have doting parents, they are very protective towards me. I have no room to breathe. But on the other hand, I'm relieved that I grew up in a good environment, good education and how to be a useful person. I was very sad when I read this part because it really reflects me. I'm being too spoiled and become ignorant to the world. Even now, I follow what they want, and I'm confused when asked to do something where they don't let me be free.

Everything that happened to me was completely contradictory, but I didn't matter.
I'm happy for Ukacchin, now.. the next stage, the progress between you two! :D
Group Leader
Jan 26, 2018
This is such an incredible chapter. Not many manga can carry such a weight like this can
Double-page supporter
May 29, 2018
This chapter is so touching. Tbh i found it kind of silly thay the bullies even appear, and i dont think they are needed, Uka's testimony should be enough and more heartfel...

I still cried tho... so...
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2019
Why does Kai’s friend disappear throughout the series? Didn’t he go to the Game Center with him? Why wasn’t he at the hike? Why wasn’t he at the beach? Where is this guy half the time? Where are her guy friends during this big gesture by her friends?

It was a big chapter full of big movements in people’s hearts. This is why I read this before my other manga. You can see the MC growing and changing through struggle. It feels really good to go through it with her. This chapter, all the tears were right.
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2019
YOU DID SO WELL ウカちゃん!!! (੭ᵒ̴̶̷̥́~ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ᑦ)
Where was this manga all my life? I gotta be more like her and Shirayuki (out of the blue). She's really strong and brave.
Group Leader
Mar 8, 2018
Could've done without the bullies even though they did bury the hatchet but all's well that ends well.
Seeing Ishimori grow to this extent is plain satisfying, she's such a strong girl. Gotta say, at first I thought that she'd just be an annoying lead with meek character but really she's not and it's such a joy to see her grow.
Apr 18, 2020
What a wholesome chapter and character arc. But gotta say, the bully appearance there is a bit... Weird??? I mean, I don't think I would ever see that irl (I could barely imagine it). Then again, their presence played as some sort of proof that the bullying actually happened, I guess. So, it kinda works? Anyway, it's just an unusual way to solve this problem. Kudos for creativity right there.

Uka's growth is amazing and it has been a very pleasant journey seeing her matured as the series goes by. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Tho, I have to agree with one of the previous comment. What's up with Takamine and his constant disappearance and reappearance? I mean, he's just... "there" and doesn't really add anything to the story so far. The same thing could be said, to a lesser extent, to Satoru (?) and even Ayumi. It almost feels like the author initially wants to create a story revolving around Kai's group of friend and Uka but ended up scraping the whole thing. Welp, can't really complain about that, seeing that her interaction with the entirety of 1-B (or rather, most of the female population there) is definitely a much more refreshing development in comparison.
Active member
Jun 5, 2020
T~T Yay it all worked out~ The introductions were cute haha
I kinda wish the bullies elaborated more on why they bullied her tho... Like wasn't it also because the dad was too overprotective? Uka's mom ahahahahaha
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2019
These damn tense shoujo moments got me paranoid! I thought a random truck was gonna come out of nowhere and hit someone! X'D
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 4, 2020
Ah that was fucking beautiful!
Fucking beautiful!

I teared up many times, NGL!
Well f*cking done author!
Apr 21, 2020
oh wow this is the first time i teared up in reading a shoujo manga. seeing her parents cry really justbhits different
Active member
Sep 26, 2020
“Even if you're stupid, you are very handsome. We'll welcome you with open arms.”

“Uka's mom is an airhead?”

Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2020
MYGOSHHH this shoujo is so nice!! her parents now understand what she went through and her friends were there to back her up- UGH i love it. and i agree with the comments talking about why the bullies were there- why just go up to someone’s parents and say, we bullied ur daughter and her friends helped her stand up to us. it’s just odd, i woulda preferred it without them :)

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