This manga is damn good.
The conflict development, the resolution, the character growth, the fluffiness and the bitter-sweet part are something lacking on shoujo manga nowadays. But this manga did it.
Well, in real life, I'm not good to deal with people like that too. I mean, in my case, they are different and utterly brat.
I have quite high intuition, and have the ability to sense something when observing others. They use something that is sparkling, social (too) free, naughty and so on.
But I'm happy when the writer here doesn't show bias. Everyone is not the same, but not everyone is also different from each other. We don't deserve to judge something just by the cover.
To be honest, I understand how she feels. I have doting parents, they are very protective towards me. I have no room to breathe. But on the other hand, I'm relieved that I grew up in a good environment, good education and how to be a useful person. I was very sad when I read this part because it really reflects me. I'm being too spoiled and become ignorant to the world. Even now, I follow what they want, and I'm confused when asked to do something where they don't let me be free.
Everything that happened to me was completely contradictory, but I didn't matter.
I'm happy for Ukacchin, now.. the next stage, the progress between you two!