Housekeeper - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
You're telling me they can build A.I yet can't find a cure for a sickness?!
Apr 24, 2018
Looks like the Nazis didn't dissolve after WWII. Is that foreshadowing?
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2018
notice the moon have a red mark like bloodstain on it, maybe that's have something to do with the zombie
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Oh dear. If this wasn't from a foreign country Isaac Asimov would sue for copyright infringement of his three laws of robotics. 😛 Can't blame author though. It's short, simple, and genius!
MC doesn't seem to have a sense of money or brains, just a lot of heart. After all a cheeseburger would cost more than a hamburger. Although surprised inflation has gone up so much that even a million of currency can't get a burger. And to think in 1950's a burger was about a nickel or dime. That Grandma should've made sure to wear gloves and a mask along with sterilizing everything to prevent the kid from getting sick once she knew she was ill. Strange how his is progressing so rapidly while hers took a while. Granted he's young but he's growing while she's getting older and weaker. Wonder why mother abandoned him, granted apartment was worn and dirty but their clothes looked like they were in good condition without holes, patches, or worn spots?

@Echonic There's a big difference between an android and a living being. It'd be like asking a computer tech to perform surgery on a person and a doctor to repair a complicated high tech computer. Although agree with advancements in robotics you'd think medical tech would improve in various ways too like nanites that can attack and destroy viruses and bacteria without harming the person. Likely reason is that with androids taking all the grunt labor and various work while humans got used to lounging around having every need taken care of the urge to accomplish something or advance medical science, which would take a lot of time and effort and study, became too bothersome or a low priority resulting in few advancements over longer periods of time. Might have androids handling all medical stuff which would decrease creativity and out of the box thinking, but with the three laws could androids operate on a human being if wasn't life threatening? Like setting a broken bone and removing bone splinters from a broken arm would hurt and require cutting into the arm, but the break is unlikely to kill the person.
Double-page supporter
Jul 3, 2018
Well that escalated quickly. Granny was showing symptoms for months. I guess, like with the game Pandemic, the best diseases spontaneously mutate new symptoms all at once worldwide.
Mar 7, 2019
year 20xx
not disposed your 1y.o. smartphone
going to prison
not updated your Win15
death penalty
Aug 27, 2020
1.5 million ... no matter what country it is is don't think you can only buy a cheeseburger-

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