Two options: either he told his mother the day they went to the cinema (or the day she "confessed") and she had been trying to set it up since with no intention to back down. Or, he was worried after she stopped coming to school and wanted a way to meet her and tell her it's okay, he accepts the rejection, and that was the only way he thought of.
Two options: either he told his mother the day they went to the cinema (or the day she "confessed") and she had been trying to set it up since with no intention to back down. Or, he was worried after she stopped coming to school and wanted a way to meet her and tell her it's okay, he accepts the rejection, and that was the only way he thought of.
Damn you were so close. You forgot that the author hates us and wants to make us read grade A shit because they never thought the story through and have no idea how to make the leads like each other without making the reader contemplate the business end of .45 magnum
Huh. A person who saw you, and immediately fell in love with you just because of your looks. Then confessed to you even though they barely interacted with you and knew basically nothing about you.
"Who do these guys think they are?"
...wasn't that what you tried to do just a chapter ago?