How to Live as a Tyrant's Spoiled Brat


Aggregator gang
Feb 26, 2023
The writing on this Manwha is horrific. It's like an endless deluge of events with no explanation. What and why did he go and kill some dog in the cellar? Unknown, never explained and never brought up again. The first few chapters is like the artist wanted to include all the scenes of a book they read but didn't want to use any time to explain any of those scenes so they just rush by us without reason. Characters appear with seemingly no connection, especially bad guys, they just pop up out of thin air where they weren't to his memory. He interacts with people based on their connection to a nebulous rebellion, but we're barely told anything at all about that time before the artist moves onto another scene. It's so fast paced it leaves the world building behind in favor of showing us a new thing or new character. His knowledge of each of the people in the rebellion isn't explained, he knows each of their backers, each of their teachers, detailed information. This guy WAS a scoundrel, he wasn't some miss placed extra who tried contribute to his empire but couldn't, he was a floozy layabout. Yet somehow he's got all this "knalledge" about everyone. Again the pacing just races past reason or explanation.

The art is standard, or maybe stylized? It feels pretty common place, but most of the translations I've read through so far fuck up pronouns and with how the characters are drawn to be ambiguous gender some of the time it can be difficult to know if they're a pretty boy or a girl.

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