Page 3 is the table of contents which I've left in Japanese. I want to finish the volume first before going back to changing it to English because these titles are very tricky and a bit cryptic.
How it works is that each chapter in Ichijou/Tonegawa/Foreman is made up of two kanji that's somehow related to the plot. These kanji are sometimes compound words with set definitions but are mostly not. The process is that I'll translate the chapter first, leaving the chapter name until last after I've understood what the story was about to see how it relates to it.
This chapter is called 武器, a weapon which can be a gun, knife or a bomb. It can also mean ordnance, like a missile or explosives. More specifically in relation to the context of this chapter it's probably a (time)bomb which can be seen in page 13 laying within the oyster shell, detonating in the form of food poisoning hours after you've eaten it. So that's how it's done. I'll go over this in each chapter here from now on so we can all figure out the best names for them.