Okay, let's go. I'm on a roll now!
How will the main character react to this surprising attack?
A. Cry for joy with actual tears. Her main skill is in crying, and she realized how treasured she is by her army since they are mounting an attack to save her!
B. Escape. She has plenty of places to run away, and who cares if she is manacled? She has serious survival she can fall back on as she lives in this frozen tundra!
C. Cry in fear for her life, run around in circles like a chicken with her head cut off, slip on some ice and knock herself unconscious.
I've done it yet again! I can't seem to decide. The MC is just so multi-faceted.... Any of these could happen! ..... I think I am going to go with A this time. She seems to have great self-confidence. I am sure she will be able to realize that those guys clearly came to save her, and not to assassinate the God of War. They definitely weren't after his life, no-sirree.