Inspirational/Motivational Manga

Apr 15, 2024
Are there any oddly inspiring or manga that made you motivated? Any and all genres are welcome.

For example I find GTO inspiring and motivational and will reread it if I feel like I'm in a rut
Mar 6, 2019
Paripi Koumei/Ya Boy Kongming! and Mashiro no Oto worked for me, obviously more the anime version than the manga. A completely biased option would be Kodomo no Jikan, it's not inspirational at all but all the word-plays were the last push I needed for starting with Japanese. Super Cub otherwise gives a strong push since that series values every little thing, and Non Non Biyori does it for life in rural, isolated areas. Shinagawa Mikuzu is a great author if you need a push to start crossdressing, as well as Danberu nan Kiro ga Moteru made a lot of people hit the gym for their first time in their lives. Captain Harlock, Queen Emeraldas and Galaxy Express 999 are manga series that are a pill against indiference, selfishness and individuality drown to the extreme, and Gakkou Gurashi! is also inspiring if you put in the shoes of the protagonist. Finally I think I could add a historical manga called Shingen Takeda, the Tiger of Kai, since it relates the compelling tale of one of the daimios of the Sengoku, as he is the one that surpasses everyone expectatives and even in his last moments never loses focus on his goal. I'd add one for anime (even if it has manga adaptations), and that one is Uma Musume, specially the second seasion, but all of them are motivational.
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