FUHH FUUHHH FUHHH. Since MD has that timer thing for multiple comments... I have to reply all of you guys in one long one.🤡
@ish131hxs :
I know right? skip to the part where I get the job.
@Pocky8 :
I tried to apply to a publisher once.... they said I wasn't cut out for it... (in hindsight I did apply during highschool... So maybe it isn't the same now?)
@skeleton637 :
the dress? well... you gotta wait till the next chapter.😀😝😝😝😀😀😀
and four cats and a bath? locked the doors to my room and just give em a bath. ( my room has an attached bathroom).
I even did it with the bathroom door open. They didn't care for each others well-being... just focused on trying to run away bath time.
@ciarahades :
hahaa. I didn't die... just sore arms since two of them are kinda fat(polite way of saying they're overweight).
@Mogima :
hahaha. yes like "be a lawyer, doctor or engineer! or you become a disgrace!"