Isekai Craft Gurashi ~Jiyuu Kimama na Seisan Shoku no Honobono Slow Life~ - Ch. 30

Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2020
But she can't really do both Academy and Adventurer work like that easily, as some Adventurer work might require long work periods, while some Academy work might require her to stay in one place until it's over.
I was thinking weekly to monthly cause that should be more than enough time for her to keep her job as an adventurer, rather than still being so full time. Her main concern was just Miyabi losing the party and having to be on his own after all.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
The whole concept is based on runaway thoughts. It's a world where magic exists. His goal is to allow a single person to quickly travel between 2 places and his solution is invent mass transit? Before even considering a magic-based way to accomplish that goal? This kind of thing will have untold consequences that he can not hope to control. The whole notion of local adventurer's guilds likely exists in large part due to the logistical challenges of moving forces across large distances, his little project will probably make them obsolete.
It doesn't seem unlikely that the trains won't be magical in some capacity either. The consequences will be far-reaching sure but I doubt it would make local adventurer's that obsolete considering even using trains irl for logistics are still limited to certain prioritized materials and contracts.

So the small-time "contractual work" would still be relevant. Especially when you consider that trains would probably only exist between big cities and there's innumerable villages in between that might still need escort work or hunting work. Not to mention the huge undertaking it would take to establish a railway being a catalyst for a ton of medium-term adventurer work. Also that expensive and rare materials are probably still needed and you won't have a railway for those locations. At worst it'd be the middle-rank adventurers suffering the most?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Thank fucking god, I thought he was about to say: "We need to invent the internet!"
No, stahp.
And a train in fantasy land is pretty plausible, but it's not really something you get done quickly, for all sorts of reasons. Getting the engine + breaks system down is already a headache, unless he already has a blueprint.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2020
But maybe it's MC's current technical abilities that would be the limiting factor?
His production ability cannot freely create effects, yes. While there is magic and some wondrous effects can be made, it still follows certain principles (hence why the fire broke out...because enchanting something with fire still is a potential fire hazard).

He has no time for necessary research.

On another note, the distance is roughly 590 KM (367 Miles).
Unless the train that MC makes runs over 200 KM per hour (meaning atleast under 3 hours of travel time), it would take a long time for Liz to be able to commute between the two cities.
Doesn't matter. She needs to only be able to take a few quests here or there to keep up her license and help Miyabi get his funds. Doing so over the weekend is more than sufficient. It's not like she needs to pick long-lasting quests.

In a world with monster, flying seems more reliable than a train. Its way harder to introduce tho, hmm. Or maybe if its underground train but its a ridiculous amount of work needed. :worry:
In ANY world, land travel is the safest. Water is filled with extremely dangerous animals with 3 dimensions of movements 100% of the time.

Air is relatively safe in some worlds (like ours), but it very susceptible to weather and dependent on a number of atmospheric factors that need to be solved. Furthermore, any failure is extremely dangerous and potentially fatal.
In a world with flying MONSTERS, air is extremely dangerous. There's nowhere you can hide, nowhere you can take cover. You can be attacked from any direction. The risk of failure (which is extremely dangerous, remember) is grown exponentially even with the best precautions. Any safety measures like parachute are utterly useless, as you would be a sitting duck.

Meanwhile, land has a lot of obstacles that can be used to hide or cover behind. It also is limited to mostly horizontal threats. It is not susceptible to most weather conditions and there is very low danger that comes with typical failure. If you trip or are sent 'flying', most of the time you're going to get up without much damage at all. Even if whatever keeps you 'standing' (aka. legs if you're on foot) will suddenly fail, unless it stops mid-way during high-speed movement, it's very likely you will survive. Even if it IS during high-speed movement, there are still quite good chances you will survive.

Or even just a personal motor vehicle. They only have horse-drawn carriage from what we saw so if he can make something that can go much faster and for greater distances it would be very appealing. A car or truck can be bought and used by wealthy individuals whereas a train requires a lot more investment in infrastructure, personnel, and only makes sense if there is a lot of people and goods that need to be regularly moved.
This isn't as good an idea as it seems. It would require making the roads before it could serve any purpose. After all, you cannot move fast on a land-moving vehicle when the ground is unstable. The speed would not be much higher than is the case for a coach/carriage. Meanwhile, there are numerous issues.

If you have the vehicle run on magic, you need...magic. The girl has little magic so she would run out extremely fast. If she'd use magic for transportation, she wouldn't be able to defend herself from monsters.
If you do NOT use magic, then you still need fuel. It would be difficult to find fuel that could last the entire trip on a vehicle small enough to allow them actually make the trip based on the conditions on the road.

And when they would make roads? There would be constant risk of crashing into people. Remember, they couldn't make people aware to keep on the side of the road. The concept of a fast, motorized vehicle doesn't exist there, and no long-distance logistics are properly written into law.

And what about monsters? Even on Earth, a deer coming onto the road is extremely dangerous for a modern car. Personal transportation in a world of monsters that WANT to get in your way and WANT to kill you would be a royal nightmare. There's almost no chance you wouldn't have an accident within the first two or three months of using it on a distance like that simply due to large monster suddenly jumping out at you.

Trains don't have any of these issues. They are massive, since they are used for large numbers of people and goods. Keeping fuel onboard is not a problem at all. Simple fuel can also be used easily, whereas it would be hard on a car-sized vehicle (since simple fuel is not very efficient).
Since tracks do NOT help with anyone moving besides the train, no one would get along them. They could cross them, but not block them.
Since trains are extremely heavy, and this is a world of magic, I imagine even a face-on collision with a large monster would pose very little threat. Rather, most monsters that are dangerous for travelers would simply explode from the force of the crash, and with magical barriers, the train could come out of it with little more than some shakes, maybe some smaller dents. A proper design could actually turn it into a deadly weapon, too.

Bandits are indeed a potential problem, but there are ways that it can be solved. For example, the tracks could have some minor electric enchantment on them that will stop working if the tracks are broken. And if they are broken, the train would stop within a certain distance (possibly anywhere on the tracks). Also, some emergency wheels that can just go on the bare ground could be made to prevent derailment, maybe even allow getting back on tracks on the other side of the breakage.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Very safe place. No explosions. At least cats can land on their feet if they fall.

For a society like that, if feels like you're realise someone has a surname immediately.

It's not a tantrum. It's extra excited excess energy.

"That's just common sense."
Common sense is neither. Also, as a researcher, always question, always re-assess. Don't assume "common" "sense".

"Are those words?"
Actual words, actual arguments. You can follow their lines of thought. But I'm not sure he's the one who should talk about confirmation bias.

She didn't lose. Just a small detail.

Too happy for her to think of minor things like the party.

"It doesn't hurt, but it's the principle!"
That's about the right amount of force.

So he's about to break their common sense. Again.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
The whole concept is based on runaway thoughts. It's a world where magic exists. His goal is to allow a single person to quickly travel between 2 places and his solution is invent mass transit? Before even considering a magic-based way to accomplish that goal? This kind of thing will have untold consequences that he can not hope to control. The whole notion of local adventurer's guilds likely exists in large part due to the logistical challenges of moving forces across large distances, his little project will probably make them obsolete.
When you're hammer, every problem looks like a nail. When you're Miyabi, every problem requires a complicated crafting solution.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 9, 2020
The train is big enough, but there's a bigger implication with all this.
What powers the train? Steam engine, or at least something similar, and he steam engine was what started the industrial age.
He's laying the ground work for a grand scale industrial revolution without realizing it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2023
:thonk:wouldn't airships be easier?
Prolly not

Trains ultimately need 3 things.
something that can move on those rails. Preferably fast and while carrying a lot of weight.
someone to hit the brakes on a simple line like that. no switches or anything required.

an airship would need:
the airship
a crew trained to pilot something that doesn't exist yet
a place to put that airship, in both destinations
a lot more maintenance than a simple train
Nobles would probably throw a fit over something floating over them.
would be at the mercy of the weather.

even with Magic to simplify things, the train would be the easier of the 2 simply because it needs less infrastructure/people involved.

/overthinking this.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2024
It doesn't seem unlikely that the trains won't be magical in some capacity either. The consequences will be far-reaching sure but I doubt it would make local adventurer's that obsolete considering even using trains irl for logistics are still limited to certain prioritized materials and contracts.

So the small-time "contractual work" would still be relevant. Especially when you consider that trains would probably only exist between big cities and there's innumerable villages in between that might still need escort work or hunting work. Not to mention the huge undertaking it would take to establish a railway being a catalyst for a ton of medium-term adventurer work. Also that expensive and rare materials are probably still needed and you won't have a railway for those locations. At worst it'd be the middle-rank adventurers suffering the most?
The trains are likely to be magitech, just like everything else he cooked up. That means they will be far easier for that world's people to adopt, build and maintain by themselves. Though addmitedly, if they were based on real world scientific principles, it would just delay the same process a bit.

I hypothesized the end of small town adventurer's guilds as a directly undesirable consequence of his decision, since what he ultimately wants is to live and work in just such a small town. However, even if that exact scenario doesn't come to pass, introducing mass transit equals huge societal change, some of which he might not like. In particular, the military applications, which will make the nation benefiting much more willing to enter conflicts.

Above all, having someone able to develop megaprojects (from a medieval civilization's perspective) is too useful to leave him in peace. He is presenting himself as a tool for attaining dominance, if not through force, then through wealth and the FMC as a way to control him. I'm calling bullshit if he doesn't come to regret this later.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2024
When you're hammer, every problem looks like a nail. When you're Miyabi, every problem requires a complicated crafting solution.
Yeah, from his earlier "approaches" I can only consider him the definition of overengineering to an absurd level.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
If he invents public transportation is some commuter adventurer going to become miserable, off himself, and be transported to earth?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 6, 2018
That what i also thought.

But maybe it's MC's current technical abilities that would be the limiting factor?

I mean, for a train, all you need is a track and an powerful engine which just moves forward.

For an Airship, you also need other stuff, like how to make the object float up and go down, or how to move an object without friction and at a stable balance, etc.

On another note, the distance is roughly 590 KM (367 Miles).
Unless the train that MC makes runs over 200 KM per hour (meaning atleast under 3 hours of travel time), it would take a long time for Liz to be able to commute between the two cities.
I agree on the difficulty in a vacuum, however, I think laying 600 km of rails in a world that still uses paved roads is gonna be a hell of a lot more difficult than filling a big balloon with hot air.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2024
If he invents public transportation is some commuter adventurer going to become miserable, off himself, and be transported to earth?
Hold up, what does public transport have to do with that? I could understand if he built roads and pedestrian crossings - natural habitats for Truck-kun. Is there any well known method of being isekaied that involve trains?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
The whole concept is based on runaway thoughts. It's a world where magic exists. His goal is to allow a single person to quickly travel between 2 places and his solution is invent mass transit? Before even considering a magic-based way to accomplish that goal? This kind of thing will have untold consequences that he can not hope to control. The whole notion of local adventurer's guilds likely exists in large part due to the logistical challenges of moving forces across large distances, his little project will probably make them obsolete.
Just because magic exists doesn't make everything simple and easy.
Every concept follows certain rules, and unless you understand those said rules, it would be hard to apply them.

Just take the example on how long it took for MC to just create a Heat Enchanted item, because he needed to apply a mechanic based on logic he never worked with before. The same reason why the room of the Prince got caught in fire as well.

The difference between a Train and a Aircraft is that, one just requires knowledge on a certain aspect (in case of a Train, it's just about moving forward while carrying cargo, but a Aircraft needs extra concept to be covered as well).

Primary problem here is that, MC has to work fast on his project, so that Liz can join in quick while also not losing her Adventurer license. Which is why Train system is a more easier concept for him, rather than a Aircraft as it would require more effort.
I mean, for the Train, he can basically outsource a lot of the parts creation and lay-down work to someone else, while he himself can just focus on creating the engine. But in case of an Aircraft, he would have to focus not only on the flight system, but also on the structure and all the other related stuff.

Just saying that "that world has magic, so it would be easy" isn't a simple solution.

Plus, MC isn't the type who gives benefit to a single person, he does things which helps a lot of people (which is why he is a Crafter). His end goal is to make others happy (based on his time in the Game, where he created buildings for others to enjoy, considering the fact that his creation turned into an Online Dating & Proposal spot).
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
I agree on the difficulty in a vacuum, however, I think laying 600 km of rails in a world that still uses paved roads is gonna be a hell of a lot more difficult than filling a big balloon with hot air.
Question is, how fast would it move?
Then there is also the question of air safety as well, as the chance of being attacked by aerial monsters would be high as well.
Plus, hot air balloon's movements are heavily affected by whether and wind.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Man, I ship the two so much. They're practically a married couple at this point.

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