Out of curiosity, what's the deciding factor in which part you choose to translate for the attacks with both Kanji and (katakana) Furigana? I notice you sometimes do the Kanji, sometimes the Furigana.
Ex. pg 18 the katakana says Darkness Bident, but you translate the kanji for "Divine Spear of the Underworld" and 21 has katakana of Ke-ru-bu-ro-su (an attempt to sound-out cerberus) with the transaltion "Gatekeeper of the Underworld", but on 13 you went with the Katakana for "Gjallahorn Strike".
Don't mean to criticize here, just legitimately curious.
Sorry in advance, if my explaination is not good.
Darkness Bident has the same meaning as that, you can interpret darkness as underworld , and bident as a spear, but i choose the divine spear one instead.
Yes, the katakana is cerberus, cerberus is gatekeeper of the underworld so i choose that instead of cerberus.
The kanji is "Horn Assault" and the katakana is sound better , so i choose that instead.
Basically, it is based on personal choice(which is not consistent 😅 )