LOL gotta love their 'interpretations' of tsundere. (Love how them saying "I'm tsundere" would work since actual tsunderes i assume would never admit it XD)
I'd think he'd suggest/show them vids but while tsundere aren't my thing and sometimes can be done well, a lot of the animated ones just resort to 'violence' rather than the cliche 'baka' line XD
Anyone know what's written on the pie on page 10? Edit: (oh i guess it probably literally just says 'tsundere' in katakana or so based on how they're acting)
Dang that preview page. skimpiness/fanservice aside , shorts that small just seems uncomfortable XD
Dang, they're all here b/c they got 'exiled' for a crime, that explains a lot tho wonder what they committed to be 'banished' to begin with XD
She's a supplier for their ingredients, i guess, you basically also find out (vaguely) why they're on earth instead of being in their own world (tho kinda obvious based on the title of the series)
I am still not sure if I like this manga or not, I like the art style, but the humor is too awkward for my taste.
Now then, I can't wait to see if that catgirl sticks around, or just info dumps and bails.
I mean if this wasn’t a comedy I’m sure it’d be interesting world building for a secondary story or spinoff to be set /taking place in their original fantasy world too