What? Pay you money to crap out even more of your un-proofread insult to typesetting? Go read a dictionary for a change. Specifically, the parts on where to line-break words, and where the line-breaking hyphen goes.
What? Pay you money to crap out even more of your un-proofread insult to typesetting? Go read a dictionary for a change. Specifically, the parts on where to line-break words, and where the line-breaking hyphen goes.
Mistakes happen. But being a lazy cunt who cannot be arsed to cross-ref with embarrassingly easily available resources when in doubt is a conscious decision.
What? Pay you money to crap out even more of your un-proofread insult to typesetting? Go read a dictionary for a change. Specifically, the parts on where to line-break words, and where the line-breaking hyphen goes.
What did you expect from the Guy running Comicplus/Comicdom. He is known pretty well for this crap already as he sniped many Other manga whith his shitty MTLs. But in this case it was at least not a snipe as the last update was more than 8 Months ago. But that does't make the quality better.
Not going to lie, I don't care if the translation is kind of bad, as long as there is actually ANY translation. I rather read, then have nothing released at all. Those who complain, suck it up and offer to proof read, or just don't read it. Don't ruin it for those who want a release and pissing off a translator. waiting almost a year for releases is tough enough.