Kaii-san to Ore - Ch. 26 - The Dangerous Ghost

Jan 24, 2018
I agree that if there were only just a few people that were even able to acknowledge your existence at all, let alone talk to you, that would be just incredibly lonely.

place your bets on who takes the ghost down? The doll? The guardian spirit? The boy awakens his latent powers?
If I had to make an educated guess, it would be Matsu-chan, if only to get some story line completeness out of it. Though overall, unless a ghost appears to be actively haunting someone, they seem very stuck in any given location. We've see Matsu-chan just recently now move beyond the old school building, but it's a big leap to say she goes beyond the school grounds. Could be said similar with the guardian spirit, for her to be active outside of the grounds of the shrine.

Basically, with how short and (relatively) self-contained each chapter is, there's just not a lot to go on. But I'm still hedging on Matsu-chan showing up to save the day here.

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