Kimi no Knife

Jan 19, 2018
What do you mean? Those donuts were a clue, as big as something tall, let's say eiffel tower.
Mar 24, 2018
Despite lots of lose threads and some undeveloped themes floating around, i had fun. It was thrilling read.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@ Sancrea
Adding the fact that the priest said that weird comment, basically it points that he's one of the perpetrators and is related to the whole conspiracy. I haven't read this in a while but I remember that the money came in a donut box.

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Group Leader
Sep 14, 2019
The ending is great imo, the story was never going to end well, plus MC was able to accomplish what he set out to do. Nothing to complain about.
Feb 10, 2019
"Light" spoilers ahead. I recently re-read this manga after seeing it's name on here by chance. I remember the title clearly, but it's contents not one bit. And I can see why after re-reading it.
The characters and plot aren't bad, but they don't stand out in anyway so it's easy to forget. And even though the plot engages you to keep reading, it's not exactly memorable either; which in retrospect makes sense after you see the ending as well.

A decent manga. The characters leave a good bit to be desired, as does the plot, but the plot isn't a straight train wreck, and the characters aren't overbearingly dumb at least. It's hard to justify some of the character's motivations at times and not everything gets answered by the end. However I do like that most characters at least have a basic motivation that propels them in the general direction of things they do. I also like that although the plot is seemingly aimless, it gets answered and there is a reason for it by the end. Which also leads me to generally liking the ending as well. Except for the eye-patch chick. She was 100% a plot device and existed for nothing else.

Overall it's a 6/10. This manga could've been so much more and so much less all at the same time. It opened a lot of interesting ideas, but didn't explore them fully or execute the ideas cleanly enough to warrant a higher score. It also had lackluster characterization, but not to the point where it truly harmed enjoyment as much as leaving a lukewarm taste in your mouth the entire way. The one where you're like "well this is nice, but it's not exactly GREAT." Kind of like having instant ramen. Anyways if the characters were a bit more logical, this manga was pretty close to being a 7/10 for me, but alas.


Glad I read your comment because I'm not big brain enough to piece that together and just thought it was a loose thread meant to make you "think" without actually leading anywhere. It makes sense when you put it that way, but it's still a pretty loose thread that means almost nothing once all is said and done by the end I feel like. Which I suppose is sadly a recurring theme with this manga in general; "this means this, but... It doesn't really mean all that much in the grand scheme". Which is a bit of a message I was getting by the last 3rd or 4th of the manga. Everything everyone's doing is pointless, there's just suffering and no one wins; everyone loses just in different ways.
Jan 26, 2018
same as @freakattaker . i remember reading this ~3-5 years ago and liking it. but this time while re-reading it i never had a moment of "oh right that happened". it was as if i read it for the first time
Nov 17, 2020
Big old hairy spoilers ahead. I had my suspicions about the cyclical nature of the hitmen killing previous hitmen and its connection to how they were funded possible involving the anonymous donations to the church but when I saw the donuts in the last frame I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs (but it's nearly 4 in the morning because started reading it at around midnight and that would piss off my neighbors lol). The way that the story wove together over time in parallel to the decline of Shiki's mental state and his eventual spiral through the stages of grief and eventual acceptance that there was no way out of what he had done and the peace that he was finally able to feel genuinely sent a shiver or two down my spine.

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Nov 23, 2020
What's with the ending?
I have very little doubt that the MC gonna die in the end, Considered what happen so far, it's acceptable.
But still that eyepatch girl are unnecessary weren't she? she ruin stuff, plot twist in a worst possible way.
And here i asked myself the entire time, what the hell is this eyepatch character used for ?
That crazy obsessed cop could've been the one who killed him, or die of blood loss, or many other way.
But no, we need to slip some useless one dimensional pure edgy character ( fully geared with edgy eyepatch too ) in a twist of chaotic conflict among psychologically broken people to end the story ?
seriously annoying.

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