thanks for the chapter!!
I just realized Nami is so hot wtf no wonder Momose likes her.
EDIT: damn Momose you clever fox, creating a group chat as an excuse to keep talking with Nami is brilliant!
the relationship chart is fcking hilarious, wtf is "joint slay" XD ?
fck that got sad real fast. Poor Kirio-kun, I think he's purposefully distancing others/not making close friends because he wants to always say that Nozomi is his only friend.
I'm guessing that the finale will be how Nami and Aimi help him get over/move on from Nozomi's death? Bc ngl Kirio-kun is giving "I'm too depressed over my friend's death to care about anything right now"-vibe, and that can spiral real fast towards harmful actions (I am totally not speaking from experience or anything!)